How did I miss this? A fantastic interview with Jakob Shockey and Sarah Koenigsberg gearing up for the recent film festival in preparation for the Siskiyou Film festival last weekend. They both do an excellent job and deserve yo
ur listening time.
What Beavers Can Do For The Landscape
Wasn’t that excellent? Jakob has gotten to be such an wonderful speaker that I can only dream how awesome his presentation will be at BeaverCon in a few weeks.
Coming soon to the deep-benched Nehalem Watershed is this fine presentation:
Lower Nehalem Watershed Council Speaker Series: “Beaver Dam Analogues” w/Steve Trask Feb. 13
On February 13th, 2020 at 7 pm the Lower Nehalem Watershed Council will host Steve Trask for a presentation about Beaver Dam Analogues. In this talk, Steve will talk about the importance of Beavers as ecosystem engineers and keystone species, the watershed impacts of not having enough beavers, and finally what beaver dam analogues are and how they can help! This is an exciting opportunity to learn about an unusual technique for habitat restoration.
Don’t you wish you could be there? I certainly do. Steve is a new name to us but one I bet we’re going to hear again.
Steve Trask is the Senior Fish Biologist for Biosurveys Inc. He has over 25 years of experience surveying river and stream habitat on the Oregon Coast. In collaboration with the Mid Coast Watershed Association and ODFW, he created the Rapid Bioassessment process that is currently being used to map juvenile salmon distribution in the Nehalem Watershed. He also is currently working with the Upper Nehalem Watershed Council to install beaver dam analogues.
I think we talked about Biosurvey’s once with some footage that showed beavers swimming with the salmon. I’m sure we’ll hear more fro this Senior Fish Biologist that thinks beavers are good news.
I came across this yesterday and thought how many historic ways there are to draw beavers wrongly. Let’s call this the beaver-mountainlion.