Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!


Just about 15 miles south of our friends in Port Moody, another flow device has been installed to keep the beavers and allow them to continue helping the salmon. frogs and wildlife. This one is  is in the Delta Nature Reserve.

Beaver pond leveller to reduce Cougar Creek flooding in Delta Nature Reserve

Delta Nature Reserve walkers and cyclists may notice a strange new contraption in Lower Cougar Creek, alongside the trail between the second and third boardwalk entrances. It’s called a beaver pond leveller, and it’s a joint pilot project of Cougar Creek Streamkeepers, Burns Bog Conservation Society, City of Delta, EBB Consulting and Pacific Salmon Foundation.

Hopefully the beavers wont notice the contraption, but will happily continue building their dam, unaware that the leveller limits their pond to a safe height that doesn’t flood the trail.

Of course the beavers will notice. They’re water accountants that spend every day re-enumerating their essentials.  The question of course is whether they can live with the fact that their pond has a hole in it that can never be fixed. Is the water level still deep enough or should they start over some where else? That’s what the beavers are deciding now in their little beaver meetings. Is it livable or Not livable. And that depends on you.

Though beavers are a nuisance, with their tree-cutting and dam-building, they are also a keystone species for healthy wetlands and salmon streams. A pond leveller is not maintenance-free, but it’s hoped this one will reduce the amount of effort the City of Delta has to spend on dismantling beaver dams to prevent flooding.

Hmm.  Don’t sugar coat it was flattery. I think someone didn’t educate the press enough, or the participants. I’m reminded of that memorable scene in Alice through the Looking Glass.

“I don’t like the look of it at all,” said the King: “however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.”

Not only is the natural floodplain a safety-valve for protecting built areas from floodwaters, it’s also a vibrant and healthy wetland habitat that nurtures fish, amphibians, birds and – yes — those industrious beavers.

Well yes. Beavers will make your wetlands beautiful. And you have given yourself a chance of improving them. I’m not exactly sure how hopeful to be about the effort, but it looks like you gave it a good try anyway.

Our little beaver patient at Suisun Wildlife was on their Facebook page yesterday, along with a nice shoutout to us for consulting.  They are working on a funding campaign for him and need your help. Go here to donate and make sure you mention we sent you!

Last week we received this baby Beaver, estimated at 1-2 weeks old, for care. An attempt was made to reunite it with the parents, but they could not be found. We reached out to our friends the beaver specialists at Worth A Dam in Martinez, who assisted us with their years of experience with beavers – we thank them. They put us in touch with an expert on beaver care in New York state, who advised against another attempt to reunite.

Our wildlife veterinarian, Dr. Jackie Gai, is checking the beaver’s condition and performing tests to determine its health. Of course, it is unusual for one so young to be out of the den and away from the parents, so we are concerned about how this may have happened.

The baby is eating, eliminating, and swimming well. We are having special beaver formula overnighted to feed it, and if you would like to donate toward the testing and formula, we would greatly appreciate your help! We will keep you posted on the progress of this adorable and special animal – wish us well!

Donate to Suisun Marsh Natural History Assoction

US 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Organization
Thanks for helping this little beaver along the way. Stay safe out there if you’re near fires or anywhere below the sky today.



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Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

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February 2025

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