In the middle of the state in the middle of January, a group of biologists, hydrologists, ecologists and water use planners will get together to talk about how to shape California policy on beaver management and expand the good that beavers can do for watersheds and salmon. It’s early days, and there’s enormous work to do. It’s not even legal in our state to relocate problem beaver from one area to an empty riverbank that wants them. Despite Martinez’ widely advertised flow device and public success, if you pick up the phone and call fish and game today they will still tell you that flow devices don’t work. Hundreds and thousands of beaver are killed every year in the golden state, and most never make it to the news cycle because no one even cares.
Still, all big things start small. You have to begin somewhere. And the Water Institute of the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center has taken it upon themselves to host a meeting of the minds with experts from around the state and beyond. Think of it as a pre-pre-policy meeting.
And think of it as a big deal.
Oh And Merry Christmas from the Martinez Beavers! New Tree Down at Starbucks. It’s the first time we’ve seen them take the rough barked willow!