Are things back to normal? Here’s a pretty wonderful indication from Susan who stood at the footbridge for an hour last night.
Was there from about 7:15-8:30. At the bridge closest to Amtrak saw a big beaver swim down the middle under the bridge then stay on the right side and swim down til I couldn’t see him anymore. I think a smaller one went up behind him but the big one FOR SURE.
You know you’re a long way from home when ‘normal’ would be such an exciting way to be! Thanks, Susan. You have definitely encouraged us to try visiting at night for ourselves. I’ve been keeping an eye on the tide, because I don’t think I’m going to get be able to film them in the morning unless its lowish tide. But maybe I’ll try the evening? It’s impressive how pragmatic beavers are. Jon was just saying that their little dam is backing up water all the way to the old secondary now. So that means they can have wider territory to explore and we might see from the footbridge. I’m guessing they might start work on the secondary soon.
Hey! Maybe someday they’ll even swim under their own mural!
Here’s a glimpse Moses got of the pair working on the lodge. They seem uncomfortable with the light, and that suggest they’re newbies to me. But it’s all grasping at straws really, and I’m just glad they’re here.
And here’s the work Mario added yesterday. Jon saw a journalist stop on the bridge and photograph during the day, so he’s getting attention. And the post got more than 60 likes this morning on Martinez Rants and Raves, so the community is paying attention.
Not at all to be outdone, Rusty from Napa sent some grand photos of Tulocay pond last night and I thought you needed to see this. Maybe Napa might need a beaver mural too?