So the beaver didn’t see his shadow this morning. Does that mean they’ll be a soon spring? You must stay tuned to see. And before you say sternly “It’s a Ground hog, not a beaver” think about HOW MANY TIMES people have gotten their pictures mixed up. There’s honestly no telling.
For many of you, you will only be caring that it’s Superb Owl day. So I wanted to wish you the very best. Here’s hoping the 49ers knock the tail feathers out of the Chiefs. In a raptor way, or course.
I will be busy recording audio for the ‘just in case the internet is down” backup of my talk at beaverCon. Imagine a huge microphone, with crossing wires and miles and miles of this:
Don’t count it as a terrible loss though. Because it means I have to scour through my copius video files to pull nice clips to string together into a presentation. Which is how I came across this adorable memory.