Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: In the News

On August 25th, 1835 the New York Sun announced the discovery that the most famous astronomer of the day had developed a telescope so powerful that he could see life upon the moon.Knowing this stunning revelation would be questioned, the editor announced in his own column to his readers that the front page moonstory was based on a scientific report from Scotland. On the third day they outlined the unusual inhabitants which included winged humans, lunar bison and the biped fire-wielding beaver.

However, the highlight of this extract was the discovery of the biped beaver. This was the first sign of intelligent, though primitive, life on the moon. These extraordinary beavers, who walked on two feet and bore their young in their arms, lived in huts “constructed better and higher than those of many tribes of human savages.” Signs of smoke above the huts of the beavers indicated that these advanced animals had mastered the use of fire.

For the following week, riveting stories were unfolded that were reprinted in newspapers around the country. The gullible American populace hung on every word waiting to hear more about this obviously credible discovery. That life on the moon was possible was obvious to every immigrant and pioneer that had made his way to the new world. That the wonders of nature would unfold submissively to the inventions of science was unavoidable.

The lunar narrative concluded on Monday, August 31. In the final extract the astronomers discovered a superior order of Vespertilio-homo living in close proximity to the mysterious sapphire temple. These new creatures “were of a larger stature than the former specimens, less dark in color, and in every respect an improved variety of the race.”

While observing these creatures, who spent their time collecting fruit, flying, bathing, and conversing, the astronomers realized that there reigned a “universal state of amity among all classes of lunar creatures.” They could not remember having observed any “carnivorous or ferocious species.” (Apparently they had forgotten watching birds catching fish earlier in the narrative.)

With this thought in mind, Herschel and his companions temporarily ended their observations. However, when they returned to the telescope the next day they discovered they had accidentally left its lens in a position where it had caught the sun’s rays and burned down a wall of the observatory. A week later, after having completed the repairs, the moon was no longer visible.

Subscriptions to the Sun dramatically increased, although within a few weeks most had decided the discovery was a hoax. The paper never printed a retraction, and for a long time afterwards the term “Moon hoaxy” was synonymous with fraud. As for bipedal beaver who carry their young in their arms, I can only say this

I’ll let you know about their use of fire.

Lake Terrapin girl, 5, rallies to save the beavers

Montclair-area resident Abi Voss, 5, holds a pamphlet that she uses in her quest to save beavers who live in Lake Terrapin, which is loacted behind her home, from being killed. YOUTUBE

Hardened beaver advocate, Abi Voss, is marching door to door with a petition to save the beavers living in the lake in her backyard. Seems there were a family of 5 beavers paddling about and doing beaver-y things until the Terrapin Home Oweners Association got some complaints that they were eating her neighbors trees. They brought in a trapper who was able to kill three of the beavers, and Abi is trying to save the remaining two. The whole inspiring tale  (tail?) is gently unfolded  by reporter  David Pierce here.

Now, remember, it’s June, so when Abi says they’re only “two beavers left” I’m inclined to think five or six, because there were almost certainly kits born this year that no one has seen yet – certainly not two weeks ago when the trapper was called in. Hopefully they’ll be old enough to survive without mom or Dad as long as there’s some family around. (Martinez knows all about that….) I’m sure that upon reflection the THOA will hope their contractor failed to kill two, so there’s someone left to take care of the young in the lodge. I wonder what kind of press  adorable Abi would get if her sign said “Save the Orphans”.

Her Dad demonstrates that beaver advocates hail from sturdy stock:

Voss said that there are alternate ways of alleviating the problem without removing or killing the animals.  He said beavers have left trees in his backyard alone after he surrounded them with chicken wire.  “Chicken wire only cost me $5,” Voss said. “It is not a big expense.”  Voss said that people like him who live near a watershed and a lake should plan to “live with nature” and expect to see creatures like beavers outdoors.

Father and daughter’s facebook page is here, in case you want to send some solidarity and love their way. I will be sending him the ‘painting trees with sand’ recipe forthwith. In the meantime, watch the adorable DVD and remember how powerful the voices of children can be. I can’t think of a better start to any campaign than this.

Ohhhhhh and HAPPY SOLSTICE BEAVERS!!! After today your work days will get longer and ours will get shorter!

THE IBIS TOM RUSERT was trying to release in Yolo County realized it had a good thing going with the avid birder and did not want to leave his side - make that head.

Rusert Earns Bird Award

Our good friend, Tom Rusert, of Sonoma Birding was in the paper Friday for some pretty amazing news. Seems he’s this years winner of the American Birding Association’s Ludlow Griscom Award for outstanding contribution in Regional Ornithology.

Given to individuals who have dramatically advanced the state of ornithological knowledge for a particular region. This may be through their long-time contributions in monitoring avian status and distribution, facilitating the publication of state bird books, breeding bird atlases and significant papers on the regional natural history of birds. This may also be through the force of their personality, teaching and inspiration.

Emily’s article is a great read and really gives you a sense of how remarkable this recognition is for someone who’s ‘spare time’ has created an exciting, national movement. Regular readers will remember that Tom is the director of the Valley of the Moon Lecture Series where I spoke about the Martinez Beavers this year. He has visions of beavers returning soon to Sonoma, bringing waves of birds and salmon with them. He’s already invited Michael Pollock to dovetail a lecture when he’s presenting at the State of the Estuary Conference in September. Not small world enough for you? Tom will be maintaining a booth and leading a children’s bird walk at this years Beaver Festival!

Congratulations, Tom with recognition much deserved! We couldn’t be happier for you!

Beaver dam at Mendenhall Glacier: Photo Bob Armstrong

Want more good news? Read this article about the long-haul beaver advocates in Juneau. Remember Bob Armstrong and Mary Willson whose lovely book on the Mendenhall Glacier Beavers you’ve probably seen lying around? Well they convinced US Forestry to come with funds to have Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions out to teach them how to safely manage beavers. Now they’ve installed their first flow device and are excited to implement more.

Willson, who is a retired professor of ecology and co-leader of the Beaver Patrol, had been one of eight who worked last week to install the culvert. The group, who has worked since 2007 to preserve the resources, trails and animal residents of the Dredge Lakes area, spent a full day installing two of these apparatuses. Willson said they are called levelers and their installation will help lower and manage water levels in flooded areas and restore currently un-useable trails.

Great work, Bob, Mary, Mike & helpers! the beavers of Juneau thank you!

And finally, a rumor from a ranger at JMA lead me to check out this article from Patch and the Gazette and contact Mr. Chandler about adding possible beaver footage to the new City Channel 28. He wrote back Friday and suggested that they would be willing to air 10 minutes of promotion for the Beaver Festival, and possibly a review afterwards. Assuming the council gives it’s approval, look for this on your TV screen soon!

I got a few heads up on this report last night from Oklahoma. So lets look at this report out of Owasso. I’m going to preface this with a caution. This is a shockingly ignorant video, which we can handle and which I’m happy to talk about. But it is also a stunningly cruel one, and I say this as a woman whose watched barbaric behavior towards beavers  for four long years. If you think of yourself as someone with a soft heart (Jean I mean you!) you should not watch it, and I’ll do my best to summarize the stupid so we can take it on together.

Alright. If you watched it I’ll give you a moment to recover and a baby duck to take your mind off it. Isn’t this adorable?  If you’re skipping it you’ll probably enjoy this anyway.

Better? Basically this news clip shows a park where beavers are eating trees (horrors) and a manly trapper (Reginald Murray of Oklahoma Wildlife Control) comes and saves the day. It shows him setting traps near their lodge, carrying and disposing of the bodies, and demonstrating their evil incisors.  Reginald loves wildlife. He doesn’t hate beavers, of course not! Apparently he likes them so much he does the same thing with them that the Romans did with the Christians.

He also has shares some very colorful facts with an unquestioning media. Such as noting that “shooting beavers doesn’t work because they’ll just go underground for a couple months and start eating roots!” (No, I’m not kidding!) Beaver-moles! His website says they never tell lies, and never surprise customers with hidden costs. Hmm. Does that mean they talked with Owasso about the fact that trapping out beaver causes a population rebound? Gosh when I think about the 5000 beavers killed by USDA each year in Oklahoma, and the multitudes ‘redirected’ by Reginald, I think there must be one heck of a rebound! Apparently Reginald wasn’t totally happy with his beavers-as-christians footage because wildlife control has posted four times in already on the news discussion site.

When I despair that this maybe this is a incurable regional insensitivity. I see the comments and am comforted.

JoJo – 3/22/2011 10:13 PM

Jesus Christ,I changed the channel as soon as I saw that you sickos @ fox 23 showed a dead wild animal “hello” these animals are doing what they do and to show a dead animal on “live” tv could you have not at least said something along the lines of “the following maybe graphic” I will never ever watch your station again, your obviously catering to the rednecks of this state………..shame on you!!!!!!!!!!!

justin32 – 3/22/2011 9:32 PM

Just watched your story on beavers and was very disappointed. I am an animal lover and to continue to show the dead beaver was over the top. Not to mention the trapper’s response “a dead rat for a cat” then splat he threw it to a big cat at the sanctuary. Additionally, the comments at the end where your reporter stated the trapper had found car engines in a beaver damn, patio tables/chairs and even a rifle. That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I beaver pulling a car engine into their damn. I understand they are doing damage but the report could have been put together much better.

The good folk of Oklahoma Wildlife Control have tried to respond to these spurious claims of inhumanity, claiming the news media got it wrong. The stunning thing is that any ‘Roman’ would allow himself to be filmed throwing the ‘Christians’ to the you know whats, and actually think that was good press. i can’t imagine what Reginald thinks the media got wrong. Was it his humanitarian side that was over emphasized?

Let’s hope this outrage prompts someone to take a chance on these new fangled flow devices that have been researched for 20 years and do this the right way. it could happen. I know it’s Fox news, but when I was watching this I couldn’t help but think that maybe someone holding the camera felt exactly the same way about Mr Murray as much as I did and was lulling him into revealing as much of his nature as he could on film. Kind of like I felt when I saw this…

UPDATE: Baby otter seen at 9:30 above the primary dam this morning! Same size as the 8 Jon saw yesterday! Mom is getting breakfast and he’s fending for himself! Keep your eye out for visitors.

Sometimes a glimpse of the past is shocking in its ignorance. I have a book from the 1700’s on how to raise a good  wife, for example, that says girls shouldn’t be praised for being clever or competent. (Just had to buy that one.) Other times we can only wonder why yesterday’s wisdom took so long to catch on. This is an issue of Life Magazine from Nov 1943 extolling the contribution beaver make to our soil by preventing erosion and raising the watertable.. 68 years ago the major publications in the country were talking about the value of beaver to the watershed and discussing their reintroduction to arid western regions. Why do attitudes about beavers have such a slow learning curve? It’s important to note that Donald Tappe had just finished his seminal paper on historic prevalence of beaver in California. I’m sure he would have followed up with a second that corrected some of his mistakes about beavers-only-living-above-1000-feet but he was drafted that year and never got around to it.

Well, don’t feel bad. Martinez is way ahead of the curve on this one. I received an email this morning from a downtown merchant who had just read about the Placer County Beavers being killed in the Tahoe Wildlife Care Newsletter and wanted to let us know that we should help! Mind you this is a merchant who at one time had been so afraid of beavers flooding the city they were committed to avoiding that eventuality through any means necessary. Now Skip’s battered Castor Master, (and our cooperative beavers0 have eliminated those fears and we find friends in unexpected places. It’s been quite a ride, but I thought you want to see what America was thinking about beavers in 1943.



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