Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beavers and trout

It’s Monday, you have tons of Christmas wrapping and decorating to do, so you need this. Really.


Back when famed wildlife photographer was photographing our ill-fated baby beavers, she would Suzi at workhave to leave occasionally to go to Washington where Sarvey rehab facility had a very small baby beaver that she needed to include with the photos for the beaver story for Ranger Rick. I remember because in the beginning she talked about filming him in a ghillie suit because he shouldn’t learn to trust humans. The timing is right and I think this little guy was it.

Never A Dull Bling

I work at Sarvey Wildlife Care Center, a rescue and rehab facility for wildlife.

In May 2015, this baby beaver was discovered by some campers.  He was without his mother and too young to survive on his own, so the campers brought him to us.  We actually already had a female beaver with us who was rehabbing from an animal attack, and the two beavers were eventually put together.  The older female became a surrogate to the baby male. The two beavers spent a year with us.  This past spring they were both released, together, in a secluded area with lots of access to trees, water, and natural habitat.

Beavers play a crucial role in biodiversity.  Many species rely on beaver-created habitat, and a lot of these species who rely on beavers are threatened or endangered.  This year, the baby American beaver was made Patient of the Year at Sarvey. Ornaments and cards were made to celebrate this particular animal.


  • Decrease damaging floods
  • Recharge drinking water aquifers
  • Remove pollutants from surface and ground water
  • Drought protection
  • Decreased erosion

Sarvey does excellent rehab work and has earned a reputation throughout the world for their wildlife care. Aside from having the very cutest kit photo I have ever seen, they understand why beavers matter, which isn’t always the case. If you want to send them some love donate here because they deserve it.

Now there’s something that I’m even more excited to talk about. It’s an article in the very respected magazine Natural History that a beaver buddy alerted me to yesterday. The article is by Katy Spence and she obviously  spent some quality time with our beaver friends in Alberta with Dr. Glynnis Hood and Lorne Fitch of Cows and Fish. You can’t believe how great this article is. Guess what the title is. Go ahead, guess.

hydroDing! Ding! Ding! That’s the title I have been waiting for a decade to read! Somebody give Katy a Worth A Dam t shirt! Unfortunately the very impressive article isn’t online and doesn’t want to be shared with the likes of people who haven’t purchased a subscription, so it required stealth to obtain and sharing it with you requires stealth as well. I figured I’d put the cute baby photo on the top and all the copyright police would walk on by saying ohh, just some cute animal loving website; nothing to see here, move along.

Are they gone? Shhh. It starts with the account of Pierre Buldoc, who wanted to use beaver on is private land.

Sometimes called “nature’s engineers,” the North American beaver (Castor canadensis) is one of the few mammals — including humans — that substantially alters the landscape to suit its own needs. In fact, ecologists consider beavers to be a keystone species because their presence or absence will drastically change an ecosystem. With increasingly extreme weather events, ever-growing human populations, and declining freshwater sources, some beaver advocates believe the animals offer a vital, natural solution for retaining water in ponds and mitigating floods in other riparian ecosystems.

When Bolduc first proposed reintroducing beavers to the landscape, his neighbors — not to mention county officials — were not happy. Beavers had previously clogged a nearby culvert, which, in turn, often washed out the road. They were a nuisance, so the county removed them. Property values, crops, and roads in many rural areas have suffered damage from beaver construction sites. Sometimes, the territorial rodents will cut a favorite tree or even kill curious pets.

Yet, the rodents have had a tremendous impact on Bolduc’s pond. After approaching each of his neighbors individually about the beavers to convince them to try his reintroduction experiment, they eventually agreed. He even suggested an alternate solution for the county road: beaver-proof culverts. Unlike standard culverts, which run parallel to the water, these culverts are perpendicular — letting water rise into them like a straw in a glass. If the water gets high enough, it will drain through a connected horizontal pipe that runs underneath the road, preventing floods. Even when the beavers’ dam breached in May 2016 and drained hundreds of thousands of gallons of water, the culvert prevented a flood.

As climate change increases the risk of extreme weather events, some scientists are eyeing beavers as a tool for maintaining volatile watersheds. In 2008, Glynnis Hood, an environmental scientist at the University of Alberta-Augustana who specializes in wetland ecology and the impact of beavers, published a paper describing beavers’ unprecedented ability to mitigate drought. She and her team analyzed fifty-four years of drought data from Elk Island National Park in Alberta and found that where beaver dams were present, there was more water-up to nine times that of a pond or water source without beavers. Because beaver ponds are so much deeper than other ponds, water lasts longer, even in times of drought.

Hood has continued to examine the nuanced effect beavers have on a landscape, as well as how humans respond to them. She’s completing a study that compares costs of different beaver management efforts. The study will contribute to a larger project, called Leave it to Beavers, which aims to reduce human-beaver conflict. The Alberta-based, inter-agency effort uses citizen science to gather information about the long-term effects beavers can have on a landscape. The project is composed of several agencies, including the Alberta Riparian Habitat Management Society, a non-government agency informally known as “Cows and Fish.” Cows and Fish works with landowners and stakeholders to clarify how water flows through different landscapes, especially agricultural areas.

A riparian specialist for Cows and Fish, Lome Fitch, is trying to spark discussions about living with beavers. He offers a voluntary workshop on how beavers affect the landscape and how humans can peacefully coexist with them. He isn’t interested in pushing people to accept beavers, necessarily. He’s simply holding the door open. “You don’t bring people to the middle,” Fitch said. “You just start them thinking about where their position is and, hopefully, use that and expand their information sources. Maybe they’ll continue to migrate towards the middle.”

Fitch developed a ten-step list of goals, the first of which is building tolerance. Perhaps the most formidable step will be to change government policy in Alberta. The province has no clear policy concerning beavers, leaving confusion over what is permitted and what is not when it comes to relocation and rehabilitation.

The article goes into a full description of flow devices and how they work, and talks about how Glynnis and her students are using them effectively and teaching others how to use them. It even talks about how polarizing beavers are, Rachel Haddock of the Miitakis Institute calls them the ‘Wolves of the watershed’ because people either love them or hate them. Ahh! Sounds familiar!

Then it ends on this POWERFUL note.

If people are willing to compromise with beavers now, the result could be a new narrative in which humans and wildlife co-engineer a healthier, more resilient landscape. The big unknown is whether or not we can move past old assumptions.

That sure is the big unknown alright. But wowowow! What a fantastically public place to put this out there. We can only hope it gets read and circulated in all the right places. Lets hope someone leaves it on the governor’s desk right away. And decorates the halls of congress with it. And forces everyone waiting in line trying to get a depredation permit to read it. And if, btw,  you work somewhere someone needs to read it email me, and we’ll see what we can do.


Yesterday was giving Tuesday, and Worth A Dam received another donation from Jeanette Johnson’s PGE grant, which was awesome. Also in addition to listing various hospice, housing and rescue charities,  beavers were mentioned in the fine article describing all the local charities you can donate too in the upper parts of the state.

North State Giving Tuesday profiles: Know your local nonprofits for Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is an opportunity for locals to show their support for the nonprofits in their area, and this year’s event is happening on Nov. 29.

Today, the Siskiyou Daily News is running descriptions of Siskiyou County’s nonprofits in their own words so you know what they are all about. Giving Tuesday profiles also ran in the Friday edition of the Daily News.

Scott River Watershed Council

Originally established in 1992, the Scott River Watershed Council became a nonprofit in 2011. We cooperatively seek solutions to enhance local resources and facilitate community collaboration on watershed issues.

SRWC provides leadership to support science-based restoration in Scott Valley. SRWC brings research, education and discussion on natural resource issues to the community, and implements restoration projects based on community and ecosystem needs.

“Where there are beavers, there is water,” says a local rancher. Water has never been more important. Using beavers and Beaver Dam Analogues (BDA) are some of the innovative restoration techniques that Scott River Watershed Council have been utilizing to try and bridge the competing needs for water of wildlife, fish and humans.

California’s first BDAs went in 2014 and ever since then, the interest in this type of restoration tool has been fierce. SRWC needs funds to continue to provide the science to move this technique through the onerous permitting and regulatory process. There has never been a more important time to support efforts, such as this, that will truly help mass areas such as California and beyond.

It is important that California, the West Coast and any region adjusting to climate change, to have tools that will help mitigate the effects, and hopefully ease the negative ramifications. Many, including SRWC, believe beavers and/or BDAs can contribute significant beneficial factors.

A BDA is a added to a stream to function like a beaver dam in the hopes that an actual beaver will be encouraged to try a real dam on site and take over the operatioin. Large trees and other snags help beavers get better footing in flashy streams that haven’t had beaver speed bumps for a century. We are happy not only that their wonderful organization might get financial support, but also that it gets publicity and talked about as a legitimate goal for restoring creeks.

Mike Callahan posted these photos on the Beaver Management Forum page. This is a first year robotics team called the “Greenheads” with a leader that employed Mike recently to install a flow device and unflood a trail in Massachusetts. Vance the leader blogged about it nicely which I’ve excerpted. You can read about the whole project here:

This fall The Greenheads are taking on the Animal Allies Challenge.  The challenge is composed of Core Values, Project and Robot Game components.  For The Project, they were tasked with:

  1.  Identifying a problem when people and animals interact.
  2.  Designing a solution that makes the interaction better for animals, people, or both.
  3.  Sharing the problem and solution with others.

The team began by conducting some online research.  This led them to consult with beaver expert Mike Callahan from Beaver Solutions.  During their interview, Mike explained that beavers are a Keystone species and their work is critical for biodiversity.  He did a great job describing how the work that beavers do can be a nuisance for people but how simple solutions can be deployed to remediate common problems seen when people and beavers interact.  The kids proposed their idea of building a bridge to replace the current planks on trail 75 and Mike offered feedback on the pros and cons of such a bridge, along with the materials that could be used.

I couldn’t be more proud of The Greenheads.  Their teamwork was first-class, they had a lot of fun, and they learned a great deal about the importance of human and beaver interaction.  Their solution is certainly an improvement over the previous one and hopefully their efforts will improve the alliance between people and beavers by allowing the beavers to continue to improve biodiversity and water quality in the area while permitting people full access to the trails throughout the year.  The team is now sharing their work with the community and preparing for their upcoming robotics event later this month.  Go Greenheads!!!

They went on to teach other teams and their class mates what they did and why beavers matter. Look closely at their lovely folded beaver display because you might recognize one of the photos. (And no, I didn’t photo shop it in!)

15094490_10207721030807646_3424192691888347207_nFrom Vance G. in Ipswich, MA: “Just a quick update. Thought you’d like to see some pictures from their event this past weekend. They did a great job educating the judges and other teams about beavers.”

student-displayno-martinez-keystoneThat’s right, with a decade of blogging and designing, we’ve created a trickle down beaver economy that will keep pollinating itself long after we’ve gone! That’s my graphic in the middle using Scott Stolsenberg of Ohio’s awesome photo and about 20 other artists silhouettes because creation requires collaboration.

Even without beavers in residence I guess there’s still lots to be thankful for this year. Have a wonderfully thankful day!

thanksMORE TO BE THANKFUL FOR! This just in: Beavers approved in Scotland!

Beavers to remain in Scotland

The Scottish Government is minded to allow beavers to remain in Scotland, Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham has announced.

Ms Cunningham has said the species will have to be actively managed, in line with practices in other European countries.

Work has now begun to ensure beavers can be added to Scotland’s list of protected species as soon as possible. It will be the first time a mammal has been officially reintroduced to the UK.

Scottish Ministers have agreed that:

  • Beaver populations in Argyll and Tayside can remain
  • The species will receive legal protection, in accordance with the EU Habitats Directive
  • Beavers will be allowed to expand their range naturally
  • Beavers should be actively managed to minimise adverse impacts on farmers and other land owners

It will remain an offence for beavers to be released without a licence, punishable by up to 2 years imprisonment and an unlimited fine

Research has shown beavers, which were native to Scotland before being hunted to extinction in the 16th century, provide important biodiversity benefits.

Environment Secretary Roseanna Cunningham said:

“I have been determined to find a pragmatic approach, which balances the biodiversity benefits of reintroducing beavers with the obvious need to limit difficulties for our farmers.

We are soo SOOO happy for our Scottish beaver friends. I know for a fact it was a heck of a lot of working protecting them in a single city. Imagine how much harder it was to protect them in the entire COUNTRY!!!! Congratulations Paul and Louse et al al al!!!!

Glastonbury Connecticut was settled in 1693 with just 13 families in Pyaug on the eastern bank of the CT river,  making it one of the oldest municipalities in the country. Just in time for Thanksgiving it really was obtained by negotiation the local tribes and the purchased for just 12 yards of trade cloth.  (I’m sure it was worth every penny!)

Glastonbury very kindly offers us this story in time for Thursday’s offerings.

Beavers Block Glastonbury Plan To Drawdown Blackledge River Pond

hc-glastonbury-beaver-drawdown-1122-20161121-001Beavers 1, Town of Glastonbury 0.

Last month, the conservation commission approved a plan by the town to empty Blackledge River pond. The town had hired Milone and MacBroom, a Cheshire engineering firm, to create a plan to remove the 19th-century dam and reconstruct the river directly east of Blackldge Falls Park.

Only one problem. The beavers that call the pond home had other ideas.

According to Daniel A. Pennington, director of physical services/town engineer, beavers have not only added a layer of sticks, branches and mud to the top of the dam to raise the pond’s water level an additional 6-8 inches, the rodents have also plugged up a release value with the same material making it too difficult for the town to release the water. The town threw up the white flag.

“The beavers have won this battle,” Pennington said.

Ha! The beavers may have won this battle but not the war, because I dare say you’ll be back in the spring and to trap them out. I mean why let some beavers restore a creek naturally when you can pay experts millions of dollars to do it for you?

The town is removing the dam to help migratory fish species, including Atlantic salmon, sea lamprey and American eel navigate more than two miles of habitat up the Blackledge to the Gay City State Park dam. The Blackledge winds through Hebron, Glastonbury and Marlborough before linking with the Jeremy River. The two waterways form the Salmon River in Colchester which flows into the Connecticut River in East Haddam.

The town has a deadline of June 30, 2018, to remove the dam. It is estimated the removal and restoration work will cost $1.2 million.

Well, readers of this website all know about the relationship between beavers and salmon, but I thought I’d do a little reading up on the lamprey which I’m less familiar with. Turns out beaver friend Duane Nash of Southland Beaver has a whole column about their important connection, so I’ll let him take it from here.
Lamprey may be so important that their continued survival may be pivotal to the health of salmon fisheries. How is that so? you might be asking They parasitize and sometimes kill salmonids?

Turns out the lamprey youngsters, which are called ammocoetes, are not parasitic at all. In fact they do not even eat flesh- they filter the water, cleaning up algae, detritus and other bits from the water – and also burrow into the substrate. For these reasons they are often dubbed the earthworms of the river.

At this stage, which may last 7 years, ammocoetes serve as food for a number of critters- especially salmonids. There are loads of examples of steelhead stomachs being found just crammed with these guys. So although later they parasitize salmon, for the majority of their life they serve as food for them. And through their filter feeding abilities they promote cleaner, and therefore more well oxygenated environments that we all know salmonids love.

And now let us all tie it all back together with the beaver. From the USFW page on lamprey: Shortly after hatching in freshwater streams, lamprey larvae or ammocoetes drift downstream into areas of low velocity and fine substrates where they burrow, and live as filter feeders for up to 7 years. Hmmmm….. low velocity and fine substrates….. where might we find such habitat? Does anyone know of certain buck-toothed rodent that might actually create such habitats?

Thanks Duane! Someone tell the selectmen of Glastonbury that this beaver dam is already doing more to help the lamprey and salmonids than anything Milone and MacBroom is going to excavate or construct. Not to mention all the life you will destroy or displace by draining the creek. Every place you allow beavers to settle they will architect slower, more complex streams that help fish and restore the ecological conditions you once enjoyed.

Plus they work for free. I’m pretty sure you can think of somewhere else to use that 1.2 million. Right?

You really should watch this. It was a piece of work to put together, I can promise. But I’m fairly cheered  with the result, and with the tech help from Powtoon who for some reason answer questions IMMEDIATELY and at night even if I’m using the free version. Thank you.

Now that you’re informed, maybe you’re looking to share what you know? How about a career in beaver education? Beaver Ponds in Colorado is looking for a new executive director.

bpJob Description:

Beaver Ponds – – is a young, 501c3 non-profit that began operations in October 2012.

Beaver Ponds mission is to provide environmental education that gives individuals of all ages the tools and knowledge to become better stewards of the earth. Its vision is to become a leading environmental education center inspiring action to protect and improve the environment.

Beaver Ponds serves individuals of all ages in its experiential field-classroom setting. A significant portion of Beaver Ponds’ initiatives are developing programs that will educate young people on how to be better stewards of the earth. Schools visit Beaver Ponds to enhance science lessons through hands-on experiences in ways that strive to meet Colorado State Education Standards.

Beaver Ponds focuses on 6 program areas:
1. Beaver Ecology
2. Watershed Ecology & Stewardship
3. Sustainable Agriculture, Greenhouses & Gardening
4. Medicinal & Native Plants
5. Renewable Energy Systems
6. Healthy Forest Management

That’s right. You could get PAID for doing what I do every day for free. Who knew? The job is is in Park Co Colorado between Fairway and Alma and the center is at a cool 10,200 feet elevation. Altitude sickness might be a issue. When I was in Cuzco, Peru (11,200) a million years ago  I was sick as a dog for a while. But hey, its for beavers. You can do it for beavers, right?

sherri worth a damOf course the added bonus is that Sherri Tippie is 90 minutes away!  Wouldn’t it be fun  to do donuts and coffee every saturday?

This morning I’m off to meet with the Junior High principal to talk about his new neighbors. Flashbacks to 7th grade might be an issue. But hey, its for beavers. I can do it for beavers. right?



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