Yesterday we discussed Utah’s superiority in all things beaver, today I got a letter from the Bear River Watershed Coalition saying they were working to get beaver named STATE RODENT in the 2016 legislative session.
Today I received notice that the new Recovery Plan for Coho has been released for public comment in Oregon. Chock full of good things to say about saving our threatened Coho Salmon and guess what that means for our furry friends.
Did you really read that list? NO KILLING until all other options are exhausted! That’s the best sentence I ever saw. I dream of reading that sentence. And number three “Work with landowners to teach non lethal problem solving”. Some one pinch me, I must have fallen asleep again. And number 1! Develop a BEAVER CONSERVATION PLAN. Can I be on that committee? Please?
Wow this says West Coast Region. California’s in the west, right? Why can’t we enlist? Where do we sign up? Why are we always at the back of the line in beaver knowledge?
Here in Martinez, arguably the smartest city in ALL of the state when it comes to beavers (after Napatopia of course) , we’re pretty damn stupid still. Today they’re ripping out the flow device. And yesterday they ripped out the Annex. I’m calling it the Alhambra Creek Bank Destabilization Project. Just see if you don’t agree this will work well to fill the water with mud in no time.

That thing holding back the mud is plastic, which will be removed so the land can slide more easily. There’s an article coming soon about the flow device removal, the reporter is apparently waiting until the city actually returns their phone calls. In the meantime, all these creeks won’t ruin themselves! Martinez has work to do.
We need cheering up so I committed a minor crime and loaded the program I wrote about a while ago on youtube. Watch it fast before it’s removed. It’s a bright, fun and lovely piece about our Scottish cousins, who, btw, apparently are ALSO smarter than California.