Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beavers and Frogs

-a7c07872c273858bMan vs. beast: Beavers blossom at Greenway Park, dams flood Fanno Creek Trail

Greenway Park used to have a beaver or two living along Fanno Creek, which winds through the area, and the park-goers and animals lived in harmony.

 But now a family of beavers calls it home and they’re flooding the park. The beavers have dammed Fanno Creek, and Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District gated off a section of the flooded trail at least six months ago.

 Even after several days of dry weather, the trail remains underwater. A secondary loop takes walkers and bikers around the high water but, lately, it’s been flooding, too, when it rains, said James Wilson, a frequent trail user.

 Wilson said he has watched the park, which has playgrounds, basketball courts, tennis courts and disc golf as well as an extensive trail system, transform into a lake over the last three years.

 “Beavers are cool animals but you can’t let them destroy the thing,” he said. “This is not a lake, it’s a park.”

That’s right, beavers are ruining a perfectly good city park with their mucky nature activities. That certainly doesn’t happen in BEAVERTON anyway. I’ve already written the park and the press about flow devices and Bruce wrote me back concerned that the city attorneys have warned the that changing the stream will leave them open to lawsuits. I told him what we did and said that removing beavers also opens you to lawsuits and we’ll see what happens. There are some smart beaver champions out that way and let’s watch and learn.

THPRD was waiting to see if Fanno Creek would wash away the dams, said Bruce Barbarasch, superintendent of natural resources and trails management. But that hasn’t happened, and the park district is considering other options.

 Barbarasch said THPRD could let nature run its course and make a portion of the park a wildlife area. Other options could include rerouting the flooded trail or building a boardwalk or bridge over the area.

 Building a new trail or a boardwalk, however, is expensive and the park district doesn’t have funding for it at the present time, he said.

 Nearly 100 percent of Greenway Park is in a flood plain, Barbarasch said.

One helpful commenter on the article suggested changing the name of the town to Peopleton. Problem solved! Failing that, they all need to watch this video over and over.

Here’s an update from our friend Rusty Cohn at the Napa beaver dams:

two m
Hooded merganser males, crest lowered – Rusty Cohn of Napa

Beaver-in-Knapdale_eating-c-Steve-Gardner-660x496Knapdale scientists to discuss beaver studies

People interested in hearing about studies of Knapdale’s famous beavers are being invited to attend an event in Argyll next week.

The beavers were released in May 2009 by the Scottish Wildlife Trust and the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland on land managed by Forestry Commission Scotland as part of the five-year Scottish Beaver Trial.

And a series of independent scientific research projects were carried out into the effects of the beavers on the area during the trial, which finished in May of last year.

Dr Martin Gaywood, of Scottish Natural Heritage, who managed the independent scientific monitoring of the trial, said: “We’re keen to bring local people up-to-date on the studies that have been carried out over the last five years.

 “There are some interesting and quite surprising results and this is a one-off opportunity to hear about them from the scientists themselves

Don’t you wish you could be there? I love that they’re taking the results straight to the public and starting the conversation. Of course I and Derek Gow and Paul and Louise Ramsey can’t be there because we’ll be in Oregon presenting at the Beaver Conference! In fact I actually present on the same day! Do you know what that means? They’re 8 hours ahead so for an entire 16 hours over the span of 6000 miles the people will be talking and learning about beavers.More if you count the days before and after! The planet will hum with beavers!

Isn’t that awesome?

Beavers causing headaches for Berrien Co. residents

Bad news for beavers in Berriens county Georgia, which is just a little above Florida. Our retired librarian friend BK says the region is very flat, with lots of beaver problems. Apparently when they rip out one beaver dam the road gets flooded. Say, I’ve got an idea for them! (Don’t rip it out)

Some of you might remember that Berrien county is the home of the beaver-kill tail contest that upset me so much I sent a pack of children’s beaver drawings to the commissioners many years ago. They were from our very first Earth Day event. I even had a friend of a friend in the state send them so it would look like they were coming from constituents. It did no good at all but it made me feel better. Apparently they are still up to their old tricks.

Also there must be PLENTY of alligators to keep their beavers in check!, Albany News, Weather, Sports

Too bad that culvert fence isn’t a trapezoid- or fenced on bottom, because you know beavers will be incorporating it into their dam soon.

Now I thought yesterday there needed to be a better graphic for a beaver conference. And I’m happy with this one.

the gathering

I guess beaver ambivalence in Massachusetts is a step forward?

New ‘neighbor’ sparks worry, excitement in Ponkapoag

A new neighbor has moved into the Ponkapoag section of Canton, and it’s either a reason for celebration or a cause for alarm — or possibly both.

In an email to the Mass. Water Resources Authority, Kodzis wrote, “It seems some beavers have done some work to plug up the brook and it is now flooding. My concern is that the flooding will get to a level where the new sewer access manholes will be covered with water. There also seems to be some erosion of the new access road as the brook has been redirected. I think it deserves a walk-through since beavers can be very destructive.”

“It was a privilege to have found it,” he said, “but I also realize that it does bring its problems.”

Yes, unlike humans, pets, and freeways, which never cause concern, beavers can bring problems. They’re completely unique in that way. And since you live in Massachusetts there couldn’t possibly be a company an hour away called Beaver Solutions. Because obviously, beaver problems can never be solved.  I guess we should be pleased that you were at least happy to be the one who found ‘it’.  It could be worse. You could be him.

Mark Thomas, another Ponkapoag resident and owner of a wildlife removal business, Baystate Wildlife Management Inc., was more matter-of-fact in his assessment of beavers in the neighborhood.

 “Beavers are bad news,” said Thomas, who recently spotted the beaver in question near the brook. “It’s cute and cool in the beginning, but then it really becomes bad pretty quickly.”

 In addition to the flooding problems, Thomas said beavers “kill all the trees” in the area and are generally more disruptive than they are beneficial — at least when they are located too close to human development.

 Thomas said that beavers, if allowed to remain, would be one more wildlife problems in a neighborhood that is already dealing with more than its share, including a recent infiltration of coyotes.

Mark sounds like a real wildlife lover doesn’t he? Like the Jane friggin’ Goodall of  Ponkapoag. Beavers are bad news!  I’m sure he misspoke, though, when he said beaver were bad news. Since he makes his living with wildlife removal, they must be GOOD news right? I mean, no one hires a company to get rid of a problem that doesn’t exist, right? If there was no bad news you’d never make your boat payment, right?

According to MassWildlife, “By damming streams and forming shallow ponds, beavers create wetlands. These wetlands provide habitat for a tremendous diversity of plants, invertebrates, and wildlife, such as deer, bats, otter, herons, waterfowl, songbirds, raptors, salamanders, turtles, frogs, and fish.”

 The state agency suggests that humans also benefit from beavers, as these new wetlands help to control downstream flooding, improve water quality, and can also recharge groundwater.

MassWildlife, for instance, suggests a number of nonlethal solutions to address human conflicts with beavers, including tolerance, fencing, dam removal, and water level control devices, or “beaver pipes,” which allows water to flow through a dam while remaining undetected by the beaver.

Talk about ending on a positive note! This is a reporter that really did his homework! Jay Turner talked to the doubtful, the opposition, and the advocates! And ended his thoughtful piece on a positive note. As a woman who has written about beaver news in almost 3000 columns, I can firmly attest that almost never happens. I’m a little hopeful for those beavers in Ponkapoag. Aren’t you?

As for Kodzis, the man who got to the bottom of this neighborhood mystery, he is still undecided about how he feels about beavers. Personally, he said they do not bother him “one way or the other,” although he acknowledges that their presence may impact some more than others.

Nevertheless, Kodzis finds it “amazing” that there is so much wildlife right in his backyard. “And if the beavers are going to be here,” he said, “then we have to learn how to live with them.”

How-to-live-with-beavesNow on another more pragmatic note, dentists have finally noticed that beaver teeth might turn out to be useful to human teeth!

Beavers Show Way to Improve Enamel

Beavers don’t brush their teeth, and they don’t drink fluoridated water, but a new study reports beavers do have protection against tooth decay built into the chemical structure of their teeth: iron.

This pigmented enamel, the researchers found, is both harder and more resistant to acid than regular enamel, including that treated with fluoride. This discovery is among others that could lead to a better understanding of human tooth decay, earlier detection of the disease and improving on current fluoride treatments.

Layers of well-ordered, carbonated hydroxylapatite “nanowires” are the core structure of enamel. The team led by Northwestern researcher Derk Joester, PhD, discovered in rodent teeth that it is the material surrounding the nanowires, where small amounts of an amorphous solid rich in iron and magnesium are located, that controls enamel’s acid resistance and mechanical properties.

Hmmm. It turns out a diet rich in iron is what makes beaver teeth stronger than human teeth. It also prevents tooth decay and happens to be what turns beaver teeth orange. Should we be expecting the classic Hollywood smile to be orange soon? The article ran with a nice, uncredited photo shown here. Based on that nose I’d say this was castor fiber. But I’m sure the enamel is the same.

5301452959_a064b64a7c_z Before I go let me wish all those beaver lovers out there a happy valentine’s day. There’s good evidence secondary dam is getting worked on so we’ll stop by under the stars to share our love with them. The primary dam is not getting worked on, so we may have to have an official renaming ceremony soon.

Sharon Brown of Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife sends this excellent story, which will be further reported in the next issue of Beaversprite.

CaptureColumbus, Ohio Metro Parks Installs a Beaver Flow Device

Using BWW’s “Coexisting…” DVD Staff at Columbus and Franklin County Metro Parks, Ohio in December installed a beaver pipe system in a beaver dam to manage the water level and save some wetlands. When beavers moved into Glacier Ridge Park last year their dam restored valuable wetlands, but it also affected a drainage ditch that served private properties bordering the park. The new flexpipe system, based on plans from Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife’s (BWW) “Coexisting with Beavers” DVD, allows a compromise that benefits both the beavers and the park’s neighbors. Now the water level can be managed—allowing the beaver dam and wetlands to remain.

Beaver activity is the major natural method of creating and maintaining freshwater wetlands,recently valued at $49,000/acre/year in terms of natural services.* About 90% of Ohio’s original wetlands had been drained by the 1980s, according to the U.S. EPA. In past decades, when beaver dams caused flooding of farms or roads, the animal engineers were eliminated. As beavers return to western Ohio, using flow devices to manage their ponds can help save newly restored wetlands.

Carrie Morrow, Assistant Resource Manager for Metro Parks who coordinated the pond leveler d project said, “many of the parts were available at our park maintenance shops. She added, “Our volunteer Richard Tuttle graciously shared the DVD with us and Andrew Boose, our Forest Ecologist and talented handyman, assembled and built the structure.” Boose was assisted by park technician Mike Bosworth. The dedicated men worked in cold, chest-deep water in December to complete the installation. Later, Andrew Boose’s wife ordered a BWW cap for him, “because the project was a success.”

Richard Tuttle, who gave the “Coexisting…” DVD to the park staff, is an expert on conservation of Eastern Bluebirds. In the early 1990s, he created the “Beaver Hypothesis”— that beaver activity produces the habitat required by many wetland species. Photo by Carrie Wakeman Morrow Andrew Boose and Mike Bosworth install a flexpipe with a cage to protect the pipe inlet in a beaver dam at Glacier Ridge Park. Photo by Annette Boose. Andrew Boose, Forest Ecologist at Columbus Metro Parks, photographs a young beaver.

Costanza, R. et al. 2014. Changes in the global value of ecosystem
services. Global Environmental Change 26: 152-158.

Nice to read about Ohio doing the right thing, and I just got an update this morning from Karen of Mt. Healthy that ODOT might be bringing in Mike or Skip to follow suit. That’s a major improvement in a state that has a very tarnished beaver reputation. We’re going to have to make sure everyone knows how much that’s changing.

A quick bit of HUH? from Crosslake Minnesota where apparently they are unaware that pressure treated wood survives better in water. Hmm metal survives better yet.

Crosslake will make capital purchases, beaver-damaged bridge repairs

The Crosslake City Council chose to move forward with plans to repair the Dream Island bridge, which recently sustained damage when a beaver chewed entirely through one of the pylons.

I guess in winter it’s theoretically possible that a unprepared beaver could  exhaust it’s food cache and nibble on a board instead. But honestly do you really think this is beaver blame-worthy? And not the work of some drunk fisherman’s motorboat taking a chunk out of the piling with a side swipe?

Let’s leave MN to their conundrum and get ready for the unbearable gasp of cuteness. Jeannine Schafer of The Neenerbot, an enchanting artist and illustrator in San Francisco,  has most graciously agreed to donate one of these for our silent auction. Honestly, that might be the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. Especially the curling feet of the kit on the end. (I think we can officially retire that kitten poster. I would ‘hang in there’ much longer for beavers, wouldn’t you?) Thank you Jeannine for your generosity and remarkable creative vision.  If admirers can’t wait until August for the bidding war go here to buy your own:

beaver training

All of Great Britain is falling like dominoes into the beaver fever sweeping the nation! Just look at this morning’s article in the BBC.

Beavers’ return to Welsh rivers considered

Beavers could return to Welsh waters later this year centuries after they disappeared.  The River Rheidol river in Ceredigion has previously been identified as the preferred location to reintroduce them.

 Natural Resources Wales has said work is continuing to assess the results of pilot projects elsewhere in the UK.  Supporters say beavers can help prevent flooding, improve water quality and boost biodiversity but farmers’ leaders have voiced concern about their impact.

 Tim Jones, executive director of operations for north and mid Wales at Natural Resources Wales, said: “The possibility of reintroducing beavers to Welsh rivers needs serious consideration.

“They have the potential to help us improve the quality of our natural resources including water quality, wildlife and fish populations.

 “However, we must also look at the wider effects of reintroducing them, which would include their effects on agriculture, forestry, flood defences amongst other things.

 “We are working with a number of partners to look at the evidence on beaver re-introduction and the outcomes of pilot projects elsewhere.

 “Once we’ve done this, and are sure that this is the right thing to do, we will look at the options and the practical challenges and benefits of continuing and developing the project further.”

Put a leek in your cap and let’s get ready to welcome the Welsh Beaver! I love these cascading stories,  drawing attention to the benefits of beavers. It’s just as well Wales is considering beaver because there isn’t a stop sign big enough to keep them from swimming from Devon across the Bristol Channel (which is only 30 miles across at its widest point) to reintroduce themselves. Congratulations all on this valiant effort!

I have to admit I get a little anxious when folks promise beavers will bring only good news. (Listen to the short report on the website if you are wondering what I mean.) Obviously they can bring trouble too, and I think beavers fair better when we’re honest about that. Folks need to realize that even when they cause problems we’re smarter than beavers. (Or most of us are, anyway.) We can resolve any problem that might arise down the road. And enjoy the benefits while we do.

Great news! Jon saw the kit this morning! (Not officially a yearling for 4 more months). He or She was working on the secondary dam, so that means we have two adults and their offspring hard at work. Remember it’s February and dispersal month. If our yearlings follow the same pattern as the others they will leave sometime this month, bringing our population down to three. Three magical beavers that will start the whole family over again.

And a personal note, OMG it’s February again! Let’s hope I can stay out of the hospital this year.



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