The farmers in Bavaria would say not to allow a problem to escalate and then put something better in place 30 years down the road. Better to do the right thing at the outset. That would be a much better approach for farmers, the environment and, ultimately, the beavers themselves.

Victor Clements

Victor and I are actually friends on FB. He is one of the original members of the Free Beavers of the River Tay group, which is how we met all those years ago. Right now the group is freaking out about this letter, and there are plenty who are sure he hates wildlife and beavers. I don’t think that. There’s still a lot in this letter that I would have a hard time defending, but the basic tenet of landowners having a choice in the matter I can dimly support.

Just remember, that when a farmer takes beavers away from his land, he’s also taking away all their ecosystem services for everyone who lives adjacent to that land, or downstream of it. He’s taking away clean water. healthier salmon, improved birds and flood prevention from his neighbors.

I agree that somethings are more important than biodiversity, but I don’t agree that a single stake-holder should be trusted with a decision that impacts so many.