Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Category: Beaver Chewing

Harrison_Hills_Park_2007 What if you could stand on this platform, overlooking the historic Allegheny River in Pennslyvania, and watch beaver. How happy would you be?

Beaver makes home in Harrison Hills pond

Park officials in Harrison Township plan to let the beavers be so visitors can glimpse into the lives of these secretive mammals.

Allegheny County Parks is hosting two other beavers in North Park in McCandless, according to Allegheny County Parks Director Andrew Baechle.

“It’s a tremendous educational opportunity,” he said. “And with the bird blind at Harrison Hills, it’s a great place for people to easily view the animals.”

But there hasn’t always been such enthusiasm for beavers.

In the past, Harrison Hills park management removed the occasional beaver setting up shop at the pond because they build their dams and lodges at vital drainage points — potentially wreaking havoc on water levels, according to Patrick Kopnicky, a member of the volunteer group, the Friends of Harrison Hills.

But now, the animal is actually doing the park a service, he said.

“I’m so happy he is taking out those Russian olive trees,” Kopnicky said surveying the pond and pesky invasives that have crowded out its banks.

“It’s going to make fishing easier,” he said.

It isn’t every day you open your paper and read that Pennsylvania is appreciating beavers. Especially urban beavers. I kept reading this article with my fingers over my eyes, like watching a horror film, ready to cover them at any moment. But it’s good and has many of the key ingredients of success. Photographers, people watching, news reporters, and a temporary lull in the beaver trapping routine. So far so good. This is the river where he grew up, before hiking up to the pond.

A volunteer at the park, Dennis Johns, 64, of Harrison has been photographing the new visitor. “I hope it stays because you don’t get to see them every day,” he said.

The park plans to monitor the animals’ handiwork to make sure it doesn’t damage the earthen dam at the pond and cause flooding. Johns believes that the beaver is likely a youngster from last year’s litter.

“Mama probably kicked him out and he came up the creek to here.”

The animal made a long climb — about 2,200 lineal feet — up the steep bluff from the Allegheny River, according to Kopnicky. Tom Fazi, information and education supervisor in the Pennsylvania Game Commission’s southwest region office in Bolivar, said, “It’s one of the coolest mammals we have in the state.

“I don’t know if it gets the attention it deserves,” he said. “It has so many different adaptations.

The best times to see beavers are in the early morning and late evening, according to Fazi. “Sit quietly with binoculars near a pond where there are beavers, and sooner or later, they’ll show up,” he said. “You’ll see them swimming, and you might be lucky to see them on the tree.”

5aa31f211471cc53fbc6bfac722ef3f1Ohh be still my heart. Encouraging the public to actually watch the animal they usually pay to kill. This is the beginning of something beautiful. I can almostq take my fingers down entirely. Apreciative volunteers: Check. An interested media: Check. And a momentary lull in trapping by the officials: Check. This could actually work out well for that little beaver. Lots of food surrounding that little pond for this disperser, shown on google earth.

There’s just one wee little problem with this charming article, and its the very last line.

Beaver trapping season runs from Dec. 26 through March 31.

Speaking of depredation, the noble Robin Ellison of Napa has just received a big stack of permits for her PRA request of 2014. Bless her heart she already tackled the spreadsheet. But this should keep me busy for a while. 48 new permission slips to kill beaver.
depredation permits in ca

Maybe you remember the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver. Stephen Colbert sponsored a skating team and Lindsey Vonn became the first American woman to ever win the downhill Gold for a ski run that broke every record. Of course there was the usual Olympic Village built in an old industrial park which had once been a parking lot- it boasted wonders named FALSE CREEK and FALSE SEAWALL.

Well guess who’s back in False creek now?

Beaver resurfaces in Vancouver’s Olympic Village

A beaver, perhaps even two, have been spotted in Vancouver’s Olympic Village.
The iconic rodents have built a large dam in the man-made wetlands of False Creek.

“There’s two,” said Jeremy Murphy who lives in the area. “They hang out in the middle of the pond usually, back-to-back or cuddling a little bit, gnawing on everything they can find.”

It’s not the first time a beaver has called the area home. Two years ago, residents came across another beaver — possibly the same animal as the one seen recently.

A beaver was also seen in the summer of 2015.

I’m not so surprised that beavers are there. They really don’t care whether they’re living in a false creek with planted trees or an actual creek with generated trees. They’ll make do. Aside from the very foolish people trying to feed them bread, this story makes me smile. And lead me to something that made me smile VERY wide indeed.

An entire instagram page dedicated to URBAN BEAVERS.

Photos of lodges on city trails, beavers walking over concrete, I’m a kid in a candy store. Here is the one that terrified me though. Look to the far right front.
urban beaver destroyedWell, we can’t know the fate of that brave little beaver, but I’m grateful that this Olympic beaver pointed me in his direction. I will definitely try to keep an eye on this now.

Sometimes the last few lines of a poem write everything else for you. I was happy to put this together yesterday. It started with the ‘how the west was watered’ line. And of course there’s only one word that rhymes with ‘watered’.

the unnatural hx of the beaver

Ring beaver myths still loud and deep
The war’s not won, nor shall we sleep
For fear and doubt
Persist in drought
Our water-savers spurned by men

Apologies to Mr. Longfellow

It’s christmas day, and just in case our puddings and cakes make us feel too lazy and indulged to believe the world needs us to pay attention to beavers, here are two prime examples that should remind us what we’re fighting for. The first is from the heart of the drylands where anything that  saves even a drop of water should be regarded as a national  treasure. Seems like these school girls know what they’re about, but their neighbor, the beaver grinch, has other ideas. Merry Christmas.

Beavers create barriers between Girls’ School, neighbor

Capture1For nearly a decade, the Santa Fe Girls’ School has taught students about the environment through restoration projects and science experiments on a nearly 9-acre swath of land south of the city that includes a portion of the Santa Fe River. Principal Lee Lewin says the parcel in La Cieneguilla is a crucial part of the curriculum for the school’s 40-plus middle school students.

But an ongoing dispute between the private school and a neighboring landowner has heated up in recent months, and the girls’ work at the site has been halted.

The neighbor — hunter, businessman and self-proclaimed conservationist Ed Sceery — contends the girls’ efforts have attracted beavers that are damaging land and trees, and he warns that they are working in contaminated water. School officials say Sceery has endangered the girls by placing a metal contraption in a pond on the property where they often roam. The device’s function is unclear, but school staff said they think it’s intended to break up beaver dams.


Sceery, who earned a doctorate in animal sciences at New Mexico State University, lives downstream from the Girls’ School property. He owns and operates Sceery Outdoors, a company that makes and sells game calls for elk, deer, turkey and other animals. His wares are sold in specialty hunting markets, such as Cabela’s, and general stores, including Wal-Mart.

Okay, first of all that device doesn’t break up beaver dams, it breaks up BEAVERS. Mind you his trees have already been protected by a deal with Wild Earth Guardians. But if Dr. Sceery says that the water’s contaminated, I myself believe him. He should know, because I bet he poured the lighter fluid in himself. I’m relieved to hear he’s also a “conservationist” because that means he has deep abiding respect for the animal that Enos Mills called “the original conservationists“. Right?

Honestly, this whole story should be written by Charles Dickens. The trap-setting hunter who sells decoys to walmart doesn’t want the beavers near his property happens to be named Dr. Sceery? Am I on candid camera? Is he just pretending that’s his name because Dr. Eevil was taken? Was he assigned that name by the department of ruthless irony? Did he really believe it was a good idea to set a trap on school property without permission where lovely eco-minded young girls walk every day?

And just in case you think I’m making this up, here’s another headline worthy of a Christmas tree.

Otters, beavers feasting around fish ladder at Rocky Reach Dam

WENATCHEE — Otters and beavers may have discovered it’s easier to capture a nice fish dinner by congregating at the fish ladder at Rocky Reach Dam and entering the current to pursue their prey. Either that, or they’re just chasing fish and having fun.

Video recordings at the dam show one or more of the aquatic critters swimming past the fish-counting window between May and October.

One otter was chasing a small fish. Another is latched onto a carp not much smaller than itself. In another shot, a beaver appears to be engaged in some good-natured exploring.

That’s right. It’s YAKIMA in Washington, which I have foolishly considered the state with the highest beaver IQ in the country. And the biologists watching the salmon counter think that the beavers are there for supper. Here is an actual headline about BEAVERS EATING FISH.

“We’re not sure how many salmon they’ve actually taken,” Von Pope, the PUD’s Wildlife Program manager, said Wednesday. “Maybe some smaller ones.”

When salmon are migrating past the dam, the video camera operates around the clock. Human fish counters come in and review the video to tally the numbers of each species of fish.

Thad Mosey, the PUD’s senior fish biologist, says no fish counter has ever seen an otter or beaver in the fish-counting window in real time. But they occasionally appear in the video recordings.

I have nothing to say but this.

facepalmYou deserve a dose of cheer after all that beaver-stupid. Here’s a little something I hope you sing along with your family by the fire. Merry Christmas from Worth A Dam!

Just in time for Christmas! I received several beaver gifts yesterday that deserve sharing. The first was a headline from Romania that ran Cheryl’s own photo. Who says Martinez is a small town? Even better the article is about an airport project that might end of being postponed because of protected beavers. Hohoho!

romaniaThe building of the Ghimbav airport near Brasov, in central Romania, could be blocked again after the local environment authorities have discovered that a community of beavers lives in a perimeter near the future airport. It should be declared a protected area, according to the Brasov Environment Protection Agency. However, not all authorities agree.

Just for kicks, how far is it from Martinez to Romania? I’m curious. 6501 miles, a 15 hour flight takes you to the capital city of Bucharest. Hmm. I am sure they’ll eventually work around (or over) those beavers, but it’s always nice to see a speed bump along the way.

More cheer came with the delivery of our complimentary copy of the legend  in english/innui-aimun by the Labrador Institute. “The man who married a beaver”. It was beautifully illustrated by Cynthia Colosimo and Jolene Ashini. It tells the fanciful tale of a man who considers marrying many other species but finally settles on the beaver (for obvious reasons). They have many children and are very happy until the man’s brother comes and decides to club the family memories (because beavers!) The hero struggles in vain to protect his family, but is eventually widowed and dragged back to live with the humans. In the end the man decides he likes being a beaver better, and has his clueless brother change him back to the aquatic furbearer by drinking some some broth made from a beaver.
You will, of course, understand right away why this is my favorite moment.

defending his beaver family
Kauitamishkuma: Defending his beaver family.

You can pick up your copy directly from Li or wait until summer and bid at the silent auction.

More Christmas eve cheer, yesterday I was sent this photo which is making its way on instagram for the season. I like his guilty little eye very much.12373436_10207189221907095_5734173114545506107_nBut obviously thought it needed a few improvements.

improvedHave a cozy day, pour your self some eggnog by the fire and remember to sing our favorite carol!


Or should I say “Kit’s”?

“Gave proof through the night, that our beavers were still there.”

Picture proves beavers still thriving in Devon

In November the BBC reported the concerns of some local people that they had not had sightings of beavers on the River Otter for some weeks. This ‘disappearance’ was then reported by national newspapers. However, Devon Wildlife Trust has now come forward with evidence which shows that the beavers are still there, although they may have relocated their homes, known as lodges, along the river.

Devon Wildlife Trust is leading the River Otter Beaver Trial – a five year study of what is believed to be the first population of breeding beavers living wild in the English countryside for several centuries. The charity has said that it is currently monitoring four ‘active areas’ along the river where it has seen fresh evidence of the beavers’ presence.

Mark Elliott is the Trial’s manager and said:

“We knew the beavers had not ‘disappeared’ but it’s good to be able to report recent evidence showing that they are still active on the river. Beavers are mobile animals and it’s quite common for them to shift their lodges and feeding grounds. There’s lots of room for beavers on this river so it’s unsurprising that they have relocated from the places that we saw them last spring and summer.”

Whooo hoo! I’m a sucker for any story that has a chapter about missing beavers that suddenly show themselves to be doing just fine, thank you very much. Winter is a notoriously hard time to see beavers, whether they’re in Martinez or Napa or Devon. But it’s good to see sign, and it’s not very often that the media prints a photo of a beaver chewed tree with such joy. What a pleasure!

“As we move into the New Year and the daylight hours lengthen beavers will be active at dusk and dawn. If people do see them then it’s important they let us know so that we can get a clearer picture of the beavers’ numbers and locations.”

People with information can let the charity know if they see a beaver via email on with details of the date, time, exact location and whether the beaver has a coloured ear tag.

The River Otter Beaver Trial receives no government funding. Devon Wildlife Trust is urging people to offer their support via its website

I’m pretty sure it’s good luck to drop a little coin in their beaver fountain and make a wish for Martinez beavers to show up too. In the mean time let’s just remember that beavers show themselves in mysterious ways and have a merry christmas!

1935860_782891731821604_3506532428881655280_nMeanwhile the New Jersey whiners are still complaining about beavers. Apparently the free help they received from BWW and Beaver Solutions just wasn’t help-y enough. And they need more deadly assistance right away.

Beavers’ Dams Flood Toms River Neighborhood

“Killing animals because we find them inconvenient should not be an option. Beavers are clever, industrious, family-oriented animals and necessary to the ecosystem and we now know it is possible to live beside them without conflict,” said Veronica Van Hof, executive director of Unexpected Wildlife Refuge.

The two most widely-used trapping methods are inefficient and inhuman, she said. As a result of the meeting with officials, she learned the township will likely use a trap that drowns the beaver or another that crushes the animal, snapping its neck.

Politicians Discussing Climate Change: Isaac Cordal

Sometimes when you throw the drowning man a rope he says, no not THAT rope. I want the other one. To tell the truth, I’m not really hopeful for Tom’s River. They’re just going to keep pushing headlines that say “beavers are flooding us” until the day after Christmas when they can start trapping.  But it’s good that Veronica is cutting her teeth so to speak. Now she needs to learn to stop saying nice things and start saying THIS WILL SAVE YOU MONEY. Which is also true and slightly harder to ignore.

Not that cities can’t choose to ignore anything they wish, of course.

This new short film will answer a lot of questions about what’s been going on near highway 37, it’s 5 days old and nicely made. We’re hoping they’re kind to beavers that show up. But the SLT  has lots of beaver friends  in their ranks. So I’m optimistic.




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