Got this email tonight from our intrepid photographer and wildlife VP of Worth A Dam:
We went out tonite and got a great show. all 4 kits appeared, 1, maybe 2 yearlings and DAD. He was under the bridge eating apples, so we got a good look and were sure. No Notch. Someone came out on the bank near the first dam and took a big branch. Came by just in time to see them dragging it off. By the way a whole tree is missing near the dam. The one that Moses filmed a beaver cutting down when we were all there earlier this year. Maybe we should consider wrapping some of the bigger trees near the dam. Have you seen their 2nd lodge lately?It sure seems to have grown even in the dark I can see LOTS of new stuff on top. I’ll go out this week and photograph it. I took these photos.

Cheryl Reynolds
Now that’s a bit of comfort, as we hadn’t seen the parents in a while. Everyone, including the yearlings, are still around and that’s worth a sigh of relief.
Woodpecker Update:
East Bay Express has a hilarious take on the issue, and a smart response from an architect reader that should make Rossmoor builders hang their heads.