Yesterday was a helluva day. I posted a delightful video from Rocklin in the morning and then noticed the website had lost it’s sidebar, all the pictures and videos in the right hand margin. The announcement for the beaver festival, for instance. I called the tech company and was on hold for 23 minutes in a panic and eventually they could not fix my problem and the entire site was taken down for the day.
Which of course does make me realize that missing the right hand margin isn’t so bad after all.
In the end the only solution was the final solution and the sight was ‘restored’ to a previous day. So if you were here yesterday and things look like you’ve traveled backwards in time, it isn’t you. Anyway it looks better now and that wasn’t even the biggest problem that got solved yesterday. So I am going to repost the Rocklin video which is very informative and charming and then I’m going to post a video that is so uplifting and magnificent your heart will never forget it.
I love the term “fairy fern”. I might have to work that into a graphic.
This video is from Emily Fairfax, one of her research sites in Wyoming. Now you know what I mean by ‘cascading beaver dams’.