Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Beaver Kindness and Beaver Ignorance

bob n janeYesterday, our beloved field-researcher Bob Kobres, (the retired UGA librarian who’s always up to date on the latest eco-science) offered to man the website while I’m away beavering in Oregon. You must provide him with every opportunity to entertain, and greet him enthusiastically.  Here is Bob and his wife Jane with Jon when they came to Martinez for the beaver festival a few years ago. I am certain whatever arises in my absence you will learn much and  it will surely not be misspelled. Thank you Bob for stepping up to the plate!

Now we’re off to Scotland for a ridiculous story I hope doesn’t gain altitude. Our friends assure is that it is a year old, and was a non-event when it actually happened (which explains the sunny conditions in the video). It’s in the Daily Mail which is not afforded any regard. Anyway, remember: do not try this at home.

Chef is attacked by a wild beaver after going to investigate a mysterious brown creature on the grass verge

Ross Smith was attacked by the beaver when he investigated the brown creature.Wildlife experts yesterday issued a safety warning – after a chef was attacked by a wild beaver.

Ross Smith was driving along a country road with his friends when they spotted a mysterious brown creature on the grass verge. When the 20-year-old got out of the car and went to investigate, the animal turned nasty and, snarling, leapt at him.

The 3ft long beaver is believed to be one of a colony of the animals living wild in Lintrathen Loch, near Kirriemuir in Angus. xtraordinary mobile phone camera footage of Mr Smith’s encounter now been posted on the internet, prompting a leading academic to warn the public not to approach the furry rodents.

Although it is not clear what provoked the beaver to attack, one of his friends can be heard asking: ‘Is that a platypus?’ Mr Smith, who works in a cafe in Edzell, captured the encounter on his mobile phone and shared it online.

facepalmFirst of all. A platypus? Really? Just how drunk WERE you? And second of all, did you notice that the animal was cornered between you and the hedge? Did you never think it might be a poor decision to corner an animal who has teeth sharp enough to take down trees? And third of all, “the wildlife experts issued a warning?”REALLY? Who exactly are these experts that understand risky beaver behavior? I mean they must be a little long in the tooth themselves since your country hasn’t had beavers for 500 years. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself for just making up a sentence like that?

Let’s leave that silly article behind us and talk about Sunday gifts, shall we?  Just in time for their pub crawl story there was a generous donation from a delightful shop called “Cast of Characters” out of Portland Oregon. The artist (Mary Ann Dabritz) does brass creations of animals as door knockers, drawer pulls, etc. And she very kindly sent us this beaver bottle opener which I know will be in a bidding war of its own.  You should go peruse her shop and see the wonders! Thank you Mary Ann.

Back in December I told you about the very special tile I received as a present showing a beaver on a lodge and a couple canoeing. It was made by the very impressive Natalie Blake Studios who do textured stunning Wall Art. Their are hired to do museums and public spaces and their backsplashes and pottery are breathtaking. I wrote them how much I loved the piece and the woman who made it (Cynthia, the second from the left in this photo) actually wrote back. The studio is in Vermont. And she said how her 5 year old son loved beavers, how in preparing  herself for making my tile, she went on a beaver trek with Patti Smith (author of The Beavers of Popple’s Pond) and actually met the old blind beaver Willow and fed her apples.

CaptureIs everyone in Vermont wonderful? This seemed like a sign that I should inquire about a possible donation. It was a long shot, since their tiles are much in demand and expensive to ship. But her son loved beavers, so it was worth a shot. After a little discussion they sent me a lovely 8×8 botanical tile. Honestly the photo doesn’t do it justice. The surface is textured and rippled, and demands to be touched. You will have to come see it yourself. This is very similar to the grouping shown on the left which sells for over 1000 dollars. Here is the tile. It’s only flaw is that it pairs beautifully with the one I was given, which means I might need to bid on it myself.donated tile




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One comment on “Beaver Kindness and Beaver Ignorance

Sherry and Ted Ted Guzzi

Glad to hear that weird story was old, and a ‘non-event’ in the Daily Mail!

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