Heidi Perryman
Lots of talk has been generated in recent weeks about the need to shift responsibility for beaver management from the city staff to a volunteer organization. At the last city council meeting the issue of not burdening the staff was specifically raised, and this highlights Skip Lisle’s point about the need to develop a nonprofit that could take over the maintenance aspects of beaver care, from cleaning the filter to restocking willow and educating the community. There have been enormous offers of help, from Rona Zollinger’s ESA class to private citizens to even some discussion of using inmate labor. Although an ultimate goal might be to form a 501(c) for the purpose of allowing donations to be tax exempt, an interim solution is the development of an “Unincorporated Association”. This is an organization that is formed around a central purpose and selects its goals and its rules for governance. (For example: Maintaining the beavers in Alhambra Creek) It can become the coordinating force in beaver maintenance and the managing partner in putting together volunteer action.
Ideas for volunteers already circulated include the beaver docent program, the paddler’s cleanup club, and the willow replacement project. Such an organization starts with input from you, the people committed to protecting our Martinez beavers. If you’re interested in being part of the process, or just want to be included on the volunteer roster, please contact me at mtzbeavers@gmail.com.
Every voice is needed and encouraged. Ultimately it would be essential for beaver supporters to accumulate a list of interested parties that can help convince the city that this isn’t a job they have to do alone.