Last night was pretty wonderful. We got to the theater just as a giant beaver was parking there that we recognized. So of course I felt right at home. The theater was dark and richly restored and dripped with stories. Steve Dunsky met us and brought us in while he was setting
up. I met the audio visual team and figured out where I’d be speaking. There was a bar up front where we were invited to set up a display and we brought skulls and a chew for demonstration,
Mean while others were arriving, donning a beaver costume, and amusing the guests. A slide show ran showing Rust Cohn of Napa’s awesome photos. Bob Rust rode his beaver- bike around the theater to attract interest. Folks were kind of mesmerized – as you can imagine they would be seeing this:
Then folks started showing up, first our own Cheryl Reynolds and then Rusty himself! Then lots of folks I didn’t know, couples and families with children. At 7 the event began with a question and answer session about the Forest Service who was hosting the event. And at 7:30 the delightful women’s organic chorus stepped on stage to entertain us with uniquely written beaver songs. You know I invited them immediately to sing at the next festival and they were interested and gave me this to share.
solar20160916_23552441Then it was Heidi time and the video I had finished with Ian Timothy’s help looked LOVELY on the big screen. I only had 12 minutes but I was a fairly gripping with those minutes. The audience oohed and laughed in all the right places and people afterwards said very nice things about it being an amazing presentation. Even Jon, who has heard me speak more times than I can count, said it was ‘flawless, funny and engaging’.
Then we heard about beavers in California from Kate Lundquist who is now the head of the Water Institute at the OAEC, And then we got to watch Jari’s awesome film on that big screen and the audience took their love affair with beavers to the next level. It was powerful. People really seemed to get the importance of the animal. Afterwards folks hung around to ask questions and express their appreciation and our own Cheryl even used a micto say where beavers were in Vallejo!
It was nearly midnight by the time we were home and sipping wine on the back deck buzzing with cheerful enthusiasm about the event. Honestly there are many things in life I can’t do, and I’m sure readers of this website know most of them. But cheerfully promoting urban beavers with just the right visuals and timing to a large mixed crowd eager to learn – apparently that ain’t one of them.
2 comments on “A grand night for beavers”
September 17, 2016 at 8:56 amI’ve been waiting to hear Heidi speak for several years and wasn’t disappointed! The presentation was captivating and the delivery
flawless. Got the audience fired up for the evening. Hope to hear you speak again.
September 17, 2016 at 10:30 amAw thanks Rusty. I love an eager crowd and an excellent a/v team!