Hey it’s a long drive to Portland from Martinez, who knew? It rained a little all the way up but don’t worry, it took 610 miles but we finally found the traffic! All of a sudden we were surrounded by millions of very hydrated and creative automobiles interrupted by sites like this.
We had a noisy night in Grants Pass and we’re thrilled to stumble into our snug guest house in SE Portland, where raspberry canes and fresh snow peas were growing right outside our door!
Today it’s sightseeing, coffee and maybe a little pok pok before we head to the Ballroom tonight for the big event. I can see I’ve left you in enormously capable hands as Rusty did a fantastic and polished job yesterday. Keep an eye on those Napa beavers! And I heard news that Mario painted a third beaver on the bridge but no one’s sent me a photo so I’m feeling very deprived. Hopefully a remedy is forthcoming!
Wish me luck tonight. It’s gotta be easier than the drive, right?