Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: June 2024

The oddest thing happened yesterday. A woman from Martinez wrote me out of the blue that she had a beaver costume and maybe we would like to have it? I spent all afternoon roaring with laughter about how much Jon’s life is ALREADY compromised by beavers and how much worse it was about to get.

Facebook showed me this the other day and I realized dam, we’ve been doing this a long time.

Loving how this turned out. You have to imagine it as a folded brochure. Make sure you click using the arrow to see the inside. It looks luminous. Glowing. Like a forest in late afternoon with golden light coming through the aspens. Thank you so much Terre Dunivant at Gaia Graphics who had a rotten cold and cranked this out anyway.

MartinezBeaver Festival2024 12x8 - 1

Our upcoming festival did fairly well with media attention this yea so far. Patch, Daily Republic, Diablo Gazette and now the Pioneer! Not exactly sure why Concord gets two papers and Martinez can’t even keep one but I guess that’s for another day.

Let it Beaver! Martinez celebrates its 15th beaver festival June 29

MARTINEZ, CA (June 16, 2024) — What started off as a controversy ended up becoming a teaching moment for how an entire state can cooperate with beavers.

Now valued for their benefit to water storage, wildlife, and­­­ fire prevention, beavers will celebrate their 15th festival in the city that was first to learn about them. On June 29, over 50 nature groups will gather in historic Susana Park to celebrate urban wildlife.

Amy’s picture and Amelias cover was pretty irresistable and folks couldn’t resist. I thought it was especially nice of the Pioneer to take a crack at the history on their own.

Why does Martinez celebrate beavers?

Way back in October 2007, some beavers built a dam on Alhambra Creek. This reportedly posed a flooding hazard to downtown Martinez. The solution at first seemed simple and the animals were slated for extermination. However, a flood of public sympathy led the City Council to form a “beaver subcommittee” looking at the possibility of allowing the beavers to stay.

This committee brought in a beaver expert from Vermont. He reviewed the situation and installed a flow device so that the pond’s water level could not become excessive. Debate on the impact of the animal’s activity continued. Soon, beaver supporters formed a non-profit organization called Worth A Dam. This group advocated for co-existence between the city and beavers.

Worth A Dam helped with habitat replacement and community education. They also created the beaver festival in 2008 to foster continued support for the animals. They even offered financial assistance and education to other cities figuring out how to co-exist with beavers.

Isn’t that nice? A real reporter who looks into things. Good work, Pioneer.


There has been progress along several fronts regarding beavers. First the state of Oregon finally laid its ridiculous dual beaver policy to rest meaning they are protected furbearers everywhere and there are actual rules about killing them.

Commission adopts rules to implement the “Beaver Bill”

CHILOQUIN, Ore.—The Commission today adopted rules to implement HB 3464 passed by the 2023 Oregon State Legislature, aka the “Beaver Bill,” which remove the complicated dual classification of beavers so they are now solely managed as furbearers (rather than predatory animals in some situations).

The new approach encourages coexistence (and less lethal take) of beaver and provides tools to more effectively manage and prevent damage caused by beaver The rules establish a permitting process for take of beaver that are causing damage, require reporting of all beaver take and provide an opportunity for ODFW to give guidance to landowners on non-lethal methods for reducing conflict. They will help close data gaps by collecting more information on damage, complementing the agency’s Beaver Action Plan. Data collected will help determine beaver distribution, identify conflict hot spots, quantify when take does occur and reasons why.

Suzanne Fouty said it was imperfect news adding what the cheery reporting omitted:

They also approved 2 more years of allowing folks to kill beavers on public lands as a recreational activity.  More later. 

Rats, but it’s slightly better than it was, You know how it is. Two webbed  footsteps forward, one back.

Also on the progress meter is some movement on the google action to develop tools to count beaver populations as shown with this article on Saturday:

Former Google engineer partners with scientists to create groundbreaking tool to ‘spy’ on beavers: ‘It’s really exciting’

A few years back, former Google employee Eddie Corwin started a passion project centered around the most unlikely of subjects: beavers.

As Wired reported, Corwin was looking for a way to help the company become a better steward of water. After researching the sizable impact of beaver wetlands — they can hold millions of gallons of water — he and a sustainability consultant who worked with Google, Dan Ackerstein, started sculpting an ambitious plan to use satellite imagery to detect beaver dams and ponds. 

The pair eventually teamed up with programmers to develop an algorithm. Then, in May 2023, a team of beaver researchers published a scientific paper showing that the model was correct 98.5% of the time.

The applications are numerous and could help scientists estimate beaver populations and calculate these rodents’ ecosystem services — among other things, beaver ponds can provide other species with refuge during wildfires and can even stop fires in their tracks. 

Remember this? Apparently the golden state will be the first to use it. How’s that  plan coming along?

That’s why the new beaver-infrastructure search model will be getting its first test run in the Golden State — The Nature Conservancy and Google will be running the model this year to look for every beaver dam and pond in California.

“All of our efforts in the state should be taking advantage of this powerful mapping tool,” Kristen Wilson, the lead forest scientist at the Nature Conservancy, told Wired. “It’s really exciting.”

After the California run, the model’s developers aim to train it for other geographical areas with different types of landscapes.

“That’s the challenge for the future — how do we make this more universally accessible and usable?” Corwin told Wired.

I am pretty darn curious how many beavers there are in California, aren’t you? Maybe we should have a national guessing contest, like how many marbles are there in this jar and the winner gets to hold a baby beaver for a full minute?





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