It’s always a fun time of year when auction items start arriving in the mail but this was exception. The very talented Joan White of Nicolet Studio in Wisconsin has donated an original beaver painting on a slice of cherry wood. It’s a large piece valued at 1200 dollars. It was inspired by actual beavers that built a dam in a stream near her home in the woods, and were subsequently killed by an intolerant neighbor for “Just being beavers.”

If you have never heard of Joan before you should visit her website and learn all about her. She is a national treasure and there is no one else in this hemisphere that does what she does every day:find the hidden creatures in the wood slab and bring them to life, Check out this video of what’s involved, choosing and kiln drying the timber then calling it to life.
Thank you Joan, for this unbelievably generous gift. And for caring about the beavers that came to you so long ago.