Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: June 2023

What a day!

Everyone is still too exhausted to send me photos yet, but these are from Susan and Erika and can get you started, In addition to being very successful it was very pleasant; Full of good feeling and good people and palpable feeling of good will and hopefulness. I can’t explain it better than that, but everyone was talking about it.

I’m going to sum it up with two little stories. The first about a teen that was attentively going through my Martinez beaver scrapbook. As she poured through page after page I noticed she had on  shirt from the Methow project. I had to ask how and she said that she had volunteered with them a lot over the years because of a family connection where she lived in Washingt0n.

i asked her what she was doing HERE and she said visiting her grandparents; Poor girl, growing up working for beavers all the time because of her mother or uncle and finally getting the summer away  which her grandparents kick 0ff by bringing her too a BEAVER FESTIVAL! hahaha. She was much more gracious and said she loved seeing the story of Urban Beavers and learning about what a difference they could make in cities too.

The second story comes from our very helpful scout troop who assisted with set up. There was one teen, 14 year old Michael, who was particularly bright and helpful getting the sticker treasure hunt arranged  and even the parking lot signs. While I was thanking him his mom for his very fine service his mom came beamingly over and said “I just have to show you this”.

The photo was from our 2013 festival and appeared in the Contra Costa Times. The dancer in the beaver costume was the wife of Greg Kerekes of the Urban Wildlife Project in San Jose who was loaned the costume by the Guadalupe River Conservanvcy who were big beaver supporters back then.

And that little boy she was dancing with, was Michael.

I said that that photo was famous and very popular. I used it all the time with my grant applications and he had helped the festival get a lot of funds over the years. Then he and his mom both beamed.

It was just that kind of day.

Okay the fencing arrived and the bathrooms arrived and Amy arrived. It’s all really going to happen, Is happening, has begun. Don’t miss this. Don’t miss the end of the chalk art the bats or the filling of the giant tank or the birds or the snakes or the children;s chorus or the parade or the largest gathering of beaver believers in one place and the longest standing and most beloved beaver festival the world has ever known.

Amy’s 2023 Design

Today is the calm before the storm. The lovely idyllic day where we meet Amy in the park for the first half of her 16 hour chalk mural. Jon will start out by helping her grid out the area and making sure she is well supplied in pastels and coffee and then she sets boldly to work. This year she is doing a clever :before/after look at the world with beavers and without.  The “Just add beavers” side will be wider and tackled tomorrow. Today is just the dry bleak world we would all have without beavers.

We’ll bring her lunch and hang out a bit, and then Jon’s off to Uhaul and the John Muir Historic site to borrow tents for the big day. Yesterday we brought down supplies for the festival and our living room looks like a train station. In the afternoon Jon loads everything into the Uhaul and parks the truck at the park. Amy finishes her first half and we set up barricades to protect her work and mark the park for where exhibits go tomorrow.

If you’re curious about the work in progress stop by Susana park and watch it all unfold. If you wish you could be there but just can’t make watch this instead, which i know you will love.

Or maybe you should be like me and  just do both.

Oh my goodess, what  a gush of good things has come our way. Yesterday Nichole Fox of Colorado tipped me off to this new recording which was released by artist Ian Carrick, You can bet it needs to play at our beaver festival! The lyrics start out quite playful but end with some serious ecology lessons. So make sure you listen all the way through.

Ian is a community-oriented songwriter, songleader and music teacher based in his hometown of Bend, OR. He says he was informed and inspired by reading Eager, as so many are. Check out his work and other songs here.

Let me know if you agree the children of Martinez need our own recording session soon.

We’re at that stage of pre-festvalish excitement where anything can happen, (and usually does). Some surprising donation falls our way or some horrible tragedy befalls a crucial volunteer and i scramble about trying make it work. This time to our stalwart Membership volunteer who comes all the way from Auburn to make the table run as smooth as butter.58 With Cheryl’s help I was able to move Mike from them IBR table to step in. You will recognize him as the former owner of Wildbirds Unlimited in Pacheco  who has been enjoying his retirement as a crucial volunteer for International Bird Rescue in Cordelia. He is a beaver friend super qualified and ready for the job provided Cheryl could arrange to cover the bird rescue table. Which she did, so problem solved.

Then several copies of this shiny new German-published book were delivered by DHL on my porch..  The book itself is a glossy hardcover with amazing information with stunning photos that I can’t wait to pour through. It is in English by Uli Messlinger who I do not know but must somehow be connected to Gerhard Schwab whom I do know may have mentioned me as a possible way to get the news out. He once upon a time actually came to Martinez and I’m told had a beer at the Creek Monkey.

Check out and bid on your copy at the silent auction.

Just in case you wondered what it’s like to plan a beaver festival this will give you a taste:



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

Story By Year


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