Is there anything cuter in all the world? No I don’t believe there is. I don’t blame Rusty for spending every possible moment at the pond trying to capture it. There are only three days all year when this is possible.
Three days to lift hearts and change the world.

That weightless, breathless feeling as you peer around corners looking for that little pulse of movement. Ah yes, I remember it well. That rush of electricity when you realize you captured a beaver endearing moment and try to resist the impulse to check your camera so that you don’t possibly miss the next one.

Nothing defines beavers better than this first kindness to their young, where they fully seem to comprehend the complicated world they want their children to be able to face. They understand the full complexities of water and want their young to be able to move through it, over it, under it. They practice their entrance and exit over and over again until the kit is ready to do it himself.
Thanks for the golden memories, Rusty. To paraphrase a better writer than I,
“All the world’s a pond and all the men and women
in it merely beavers.”