Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: June 2023

I was super excited when rhe Beaver Believer song by Ian Carrick dropped right before the festival. It seemed like fate. Well fate must also have competition because  Facebook buddy Stephen Malcolm Anderson from Eugene Oregon dropped an entire beaver AL:BUM that same day. He kindly sent me a copy of the delightfully professional looking and sounding CD this week and I have been tapping my toes ever since.

Trust me when I tell you, You.  Need. This. Album.

Go here to listen to the entire CD and pick up your copy today. The new CD is available to stream on CD Baby. You won’t regret it. You can bet I’ll be inviting him to the beaver festival next year. 16 hour drive not withstanding.

Order your copy by contacting the artist here: Stephen poured a lot of his own money into making this CD and would love to et it standing on its own two webbed feet. I think my two favorite songs are Eager and the lullaby, but I’m still deciding.

What will yours be?

This might not of been the very coolest thing at the beaver festival, but it’s definitely in the top three. Just relax and imagine being a freshwater mermaid,

Many thanks to Dave Kwinter and all our marching children. The less beaver trapping more tail slapping sign still cracks me up. My photos are acting funky at the moment but this should give you the idea for now.

One of the most dramatic parts of the day came early. It was the opening chorus by VOENA children’s choire from Benicia.  Part spirit guides part drummers part greek chorus they were guided with the remarkable hand and violin of Annabelle Marie, a visionary leader who allows the children to explore and excel. There are some great recordings of the day that I am working to make shareable. For now we can content ourselves with photos of the vibrant youths.


  Asking kids to imagine the inside of the beaver lodge for their paintings was a great idea and produced truly creative results. I thought I would share some interior design ideas from the children at the beaver festival, and the artists who helped them come to life

Of course beavers need electric lights. Why wouldn’t they? It’s daaaaark down there. What I didn’t think of but I should have was this:

BUNKBEDS! Of course! Beavers would have bunk beds! It would come naturally to them. What with all the back rides they grew up taking!

Thanks FRO for bringing art to the festivals since the beginning and always letting the children see it their own way!





Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

Story By Year


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