Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: August 20, 2021

Someone in Indiana needs some beaver education. Stat.

Leave It To Beaver – 2021

As the sun set behind the tree line one recent evening, I noticed some larger than usual ripples in the pond. Too big for fish, my eyes scanned for the apex of the V and had to blink a couple of times. Grabbing my binoculars I focused in on the movement maker.

At first I thought it was another muskrat, those underminers of the pond dam. But this furry head was much bigger.

A river otter? But we are nine miles from any river and the creeks have not been running with any significant water of late. I was a bit panicked because river otters are swift swimmers and can easily devour my bluegill and bass population.

As I eased my way toward the pond trying to keep the critter in focus and not trip, the swimmer looked my way, spotted me and quickly dove underwater with a loud slap of its tail.

A beaver. In the hills and hollers of northwest Jackson County? Beavers like slow moving waters where they can build stick and mud dams to increase the water level to their liking. Our acre-plus pond has no slow moving water and is 19’ at its deepest.

Yes, thank goodness it wasn’t an otter or a muskrat. You won the pond lottery, Mr. Kovener. God has granted you a beaver. Now are you man enough to deserve it?

Concerned about what kind of problem Lone Beaver could become sent me to the computer for research.

I was relieved to learn that they build dams, they don’t breech them.

And they are herbivores eating pond weeds (We got plenty of them), small brush (plenty of that, too) and small saplings (yep, got that checkmarked as well).

Since flowing water and flooding is not an issues in the hills and hollers, we figure Lone Beaver might be a youngster just looking for a place to call home.

You were relieved to  learn they build dams not ruin them? Are you kidding me? Were you just kicked by a horse? Of course beavers BUILD DAMS and don’t blow them up.

You’re getting mixed up with your brother Earl.

As we took a late afternoon Gator ride to inspect the property, when we popped up onto the dam, we surprised the beaver and he surprised us with a loud tail smack as he went below the surface.

Very, very early that next morning, Emma the Great Pyrinees decided she needed to go out. So with her on a leash due to a leg injury, I put on some shoes and stumbled along waiting for her to find just the right spot to relieve herself. It was pitch dark and apparently we disturbed Lone Beaver again for there was an unexpected loud ker-splash.

And so now we have yet another amazing wilderness experience to tell.

I feel like an archeologist trying to pick through ancient broken clues for this passage. I’m assuming a ‘gaitor ride‘ means he went out in an airboat. And when he says he ‘popped onto the dam I’m not sure whether he means dam or lodge but It’s easier to imagine getting an airboat onto a dam than a lodge. I’m sure he doesn’t know the difference. Maybe since it was late afternoon the beaver was starting work and that’s why he was startled.

Curt, I’m hoping our friend Rachel Siegel who is doing so much for beavers in your neighbor state will send some information your way.

And Rachel, if I were you I’d hurry.



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