Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: May 22, 2021

The Colorado beaver summit is moving along a great pace. Jerry and I talked last about how they want to start out with an over view of beaver policy in all 10 western states. I’ll be presenting on California as the whole thing will be virtual this time around.. He also said his team is meeting with Senator Hickenloop[er’s staff about federal policy addressing beavers, climate change and drought. Finger crossed we’re getting closer,

Articles like this certainly help,

River ecologists are eager to show how beavers are critical to improving watersheds in the West – Colorado Springs, Colorado

Known for work ethic, tenacity, and sometimes destructive instincts, Beaver is looking for natural ways for researchers to restore rivers and wetlands and improve the health of drought-stricken aquifers. , Returning to the world of science and water.

“The concept of beavers and the ability to restore streams is not new,” said Sarah Marshall, an ecological hydrologist at Colorado State University’s Colorado Natural Heritage Program, who has been studying these semi-aquatic rodents for many years. Told. “Now there is a series of studies on groundwater and sediment capture, which resonates with water managers, especially on the complications of drought and early snowmelt.”

This fall, it is sponsored by Colorado Headwaters, a non-profit organization advocating the protection and restoration of the state’s headwaters. Beaver SummitA conference aimed at presenting some of the latest ecological studies on living things that were once valued solely on shiny fur.

Jerry Mallet, founder and president of Colorado Headwaters, said:

Beaver supporters want more funding for new programs such as research, Beaver census, and better integration of wetland restoration efforts in the headwaters.

Destructive instincts? What even IS a destructive instinct? Like be just beavers are born with the running command in their heads “Kill Crush Destroy” ? Well I like the article, Just not crazy about th at opening line.

But Marshall hopes that upcoming summits and events such as ongoing education for policy makers and the general public on the benefits of water-related working beavers will help improve their reputation.

“One of the most important things about how beavers support streams is that they are very dynamic. They don’t just build dams. They move around in the basin and are constantly Create a changing system.

“By building a series of dams, we do everything from replenishing alluvial aquifers to physically capturing sediments to creating physical habitats for rare species such as northern toads and trout.” She said.

Carlyle Curia, president of the Colorado Agriculture Department, said beavers remain a painful topic in the agricultural world, as beaver dams often harm expensive irrigation systems and cause floods.

Yes beavers and rainy days can be very very inconvenient. They can ruin a perfectly good Saturday picnic and require to plan ahead and problem solve, But we REALLY REALLY need them.

Researchers and others are reassessing how wetlands and rivers have evolved, as drought and climate change cause widespread reductions in river flow and aquifer levels. According to Marshall, he hopes that the furry architects and general contractors who originally helped shape them will be restored and able to work again in a way that helps everyone.

“We built all this infrastructure and managed the land without the beavers. We have the opportunity to co-exist because we are changing the way we look at them culturally,” says Marshall. I did.

“People are beginning to notice that when there is a beaver in the stream, nice green grass grows along the banks for the cows. That’s the fascinating path we’re on. We are starting to look at them from a new perspective, “Marshall said.

And…. Scene. Good work Jerry. More like this, please. 




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