Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: February 17, 2021

Aren’t you glad you don’t live in Texas this morning? I woke up during the night imagining what it would be like to have no heat, put on all your clothes and pile everyone into one bed room to stay warm. Apparently the mayor of Colorado City thinks his residents should “Stop whining!” and now has resigned because civic responsibility has its limits in the Lone Star state.

Meanwhile Tyrell North Carolina has problems of its own.

Tyrrell commissioners hear about beavers and mosquitoes

Tyrrell County has a beaver problem.

“We’ve got to deal with the issue,” said David Clegg, Tyrrell County manager.

Beaver dams in ditches block water flow and flood properties. People destroy the dams, but beavers build them back in two to three days. Beavers have two or three dams around a Tyrrell County water tower. The ground around the tower is so saturated that the superstructure needed to paint the tower will sink.

A conversation about beavers took place at the February 2 meeting of the Tyrrell County Board of Commissioners.

Oh pulleeze, If  read an article about NC dealing intelligently with a beaver problem I think it would blow my mind. Gosh I bet you are about to tell me that these beavers need to be trapped. Surprising they kept fixing the dam after you ripped it out. That almost always never happens. Must be some weird kind of “rebuilding beaver”. Usually they are such slackers they give up right away.

One nuisance and health threat will be reduced from June through November. Tyrrell County will embark on its own mosquito control program, Clegg announced at the meeting. “Everything just sorta happened,” said the county manager.

Until now, the county has asked the Town of Columbia to attack spot issues with the town’s mosquito control equipment.

Clegg told the board the county program will “spray by count, where traps tell us to go.”

The program expense of $15,000 to $20,000 will appear as a line item in the maintenance budget. He said a part-time person will be needed to operate the program.

Yup. Spray the mosquitoes, Trap the beavers. And take money from FEMA when you are plagued with drought again. Tyrrell is a coastal community that will probably disappear anyway as the oceans rise. So I guess it makes sense if they start with the beavers.





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