Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: January 9, 2019

Good lord. That radio interview was a tough gig. First off I had the time off by 12 hours so it was at night, not in the morning which is never my favorite. And then they let me know twice I would have less time so that Ben could have more time which makes sense but good lord let me go first and get it over with. The host started off by calling us Give a dam then basically asked Ben where beavers live if they don’t build a dam (indicating he thought beavers live IN the dam) and then the co-host said that beavers could be moved if there “wasn’t a population problem like there was in Martinez”. Which is the very opposite of what I said moments ago so we know how compelling I was and how closely he listened.

And at the end of the gig he thanked his guests  calling me “Heidi Perryweather of Marin”.


Whatever. Talking about beavers is the point. Suffocating the airwaves with the beaver gospel. I guess that’s all that matters. Right? I’ll post a link to the atrocities tomorrow. A long time ago I had a very confused senior patient once who came in and met me and said with true affront “Dr. Perryman? But you aren’t a man at all? What’s going on?” As if I had changed my name to trick him. So I guess I can live with Perryweather even though it’s not even a real name. A google search showed nothing but the weather report in Perry, Georgia. And I’m definitely not moving there.

But beaver days are merciful. They usually have at least one irksome thing and one lovely thing. Yesterday was no exception when out of the blue I received contact from Annette Bellezzo of Chicago who happened to love beavers and wildlife, worked for the Humane Society and had a tradition of asking for donations for a favorite wildlife group at her birthday party year.! My name is Annette and every year I host an animal themed birthday party where I collect donations to a non-profit related to that animal. This year will be my “It’s my dam birthday: beaver themed!” party and I would like proceeds to go to the Martinez Beavers organization! I just wanted to let you know.  The party will be in February and I will make a donation afterwards. I will make sure to take pictures and share them! I am located in Chicago and am turning 31. 

No really.

I thanked her profusely, said it was a lovely tradition and mentioned we’d send a beaver care package and she thought that was a wonderful idea and asked if I could add anything to her Pinterest page for the event. So here it is and really you should help.

my dam birthday: beaver themed 31st


If you take a visit you’ll notice that the page has some cute things, some of our photos and some nutria and groundhog photos too. She definitely needs the care package. We’ll make sure her event has plenty of material. Happy almost birthday Annette, we think it’s the best dam idea EVER and beavers are on their way!





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