I have been attempting to get photos of Beavers interacting with each other. In the early evening when there is still light it seems the Beavers like to swim upstream alone and go to an upper pond where there is more brush and they can stay out of sight for the most part. As summer approaches I have noticed a slight change in behavior as grass has grown abundantly along the bank of the main pond close to their lodge. Lately I usually find at least one Beaver happily eating grass and waiting to see if others will join in.
I have noticed two kits seem to come out a little earlier than the others and occasionally eat together along the grassy area on the bank.
This is a fairly common scene of two Beavers eating together. (above)
One of the kits seemed playful and wanted to wrestle.
This seems to be a rare activity to observe as I have only seen such wrestling a couple of times in two years of watching this colony.