Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: January 24, 2016

Luke 4:24 (KJV) And he said , Verily I say unto you , No prophet is accepted in his own country.

Unless that country is the Methow valley and the prophet is Kent Woodruff. After a mere 9 years his good work is finally making local headlines.

Beavers may be part of answer to climate change

Can a rodent species native to the Methow Valley help solve problems created by climate change? Absolutely, according to a local biologist who leads the Methow Beaver Project.

Beavers, the animal kingdom’s version of the Army Corps of Engineers, build dams that store water in mountain streams. And that could help mitigate the impacts of diminishing winter snowpacks and warmer temperatures that are anticipated as a result of climate change, said Kent Woodruff.

beaver-quoteThe Methow Beaver Project, now in its ninth year, relocates beavers to tributaries in the upper reaches of the Methow watershed. The goal is to restore beavers to their historical habitat and allow them to do what comes naturally — build dams and create ponds that store water both above and below ground.

Water held in those storage basins is released gradually throughout the warm months when it is needed for fish, wildlife and irrigation. That slow release has the added benefit of keeping water in tributaries cooler, which enhances habitat for fish and other creatures, said Woodruff, a biologist with the U.S. Forest Service.

Climate change models predict dramatically lower snowpacks in the future. As humans consider ways to adapt to the changes resulting from a warming climate, beavers have some lessons to offer, according to Woodruff.

“One of the things I’m excited about is the Beaver Project provides an example and inspiration for climate adaptation,” he said.

Hurray for Methow! And Kent Woodruff of the USFS! He has been doing God’s beaver work with a broader cast of supporters than I ever thought possible. I had no idea the project was only as old as Martinez. When I went to the first beaver conference ages ago I thought they all were the wise old elders, and I was the upstart. One of their many interns was presenting their work at the time, and his equipment wasn’t working, so I loaned him mine. That’s how I got this special thank you, which is among one of my favorite treasures.

Go read the whole article and smile knowingly at how equivocating the head  line is, Beavers MAY be PART of the answer? Could they possibly demonstrate less belief in your subject matter? Never mind, you were eventually forced against your will to write about the essential work being done in your own front yard, and maybe you’ve learned something. Congratulations!

DietlandMore good news yesterday from beaver legends. I heard from Dietland Muller-Swarze that he will donate two copies of he seminal and important work for the silent auction. Thank you!

We were in contact years ago and he said he was impressed to see what Martinez had done, but after he retired I worried I might lose contact forever. I just know his books will be a big hit at the auction!

And another chapter of monumental good news comes from the SF based legendary artist Jeremy Fish.

To celebrate 100 years of San Francisco City Hall, the San Francisco Arts Commission has commissioned 100 drawings by internationally renowned local artist Jeremy Fish. To prepare for the exhibition, titled O Glorious City, Jeremy Fish will be the first ever Artist in Residence at San Francisco City Hall!

Jeremy is one of those very rare artists who make an enviously successful living at his craft. Here’s the work that prompted me to boldly write. It’s titled fittingly titled, “The Belly of the Beaver“.   I wrote that I couldn’t decide whether the image was ‘joyful or haunting’ but I couldn’t stop looking at it. Apparently that was exactly the right thing to say because a signed limited print, is coming our way. Yesterday he wrote back saying that he would be only too happy to donate and maybe come to the festival with his wife and support our beavers in person! I can’t help wondering how he and FRO might get along and what they could dream up with the help of 100 other eager child artists?



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