Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: November 2015

waterboardsOnce upon a time, lo these many months ago, the SF waterboard decided to help Martinez with some tree planting for beavers. It invited me out to present in December and got so inspired about beavers it decided to share its Watershed Stewards Program Interns from Americorp to help.

(Stop me if you’ve heard this story before.)

LoadedSo Corie and Rebecca came out for a meeting with Worth A Dam and the city engineer, then obtained a permit to take willow cuttings from wildcat canyon, then came to Martinez for a day of planting. Cheryl, Lory and Jon showed up for a day of hard work at the end of March. Is this ringing any bells?

So they spent a day planting and Jon spent the evening wrapping trees and the beavewillowrs gazed wistfully at the forbidden fruit like children eyeing their presents under the tree, and life was good. The planting was even on channel 7 news.

Then guess what? Funny story. (Not really).

Public works got a divine inspiration (or a phone call from you-know-who) and ripped every planted stake out. They piled them to one side by the road. Jon just happened to notice as he drove by.  I called the engineer in a panic to ask WTF and he called the foot soldiers who had done the dirty work and by evening these poor stakes were all back in the ground. No kidding. Shades of Alice in Wonderland painting the roses red.  Some of the trees were upside down, some barely planted, all looking the worse for wear.

It suppose it goes without saying that they all died.

IMG_0441Well, the SF Waterboard was not very happy with that. And our good friend Ann Riley swore that we would REPEAT the planting next year, this time before thanksgiving, when they’d get more water, using the help of their next intern. And these trees had better not get pulled up.

But in the meantime our beavers died or scattered to the four winds and the city launched its grand bank destabilization project, which Riley was super not happy about either, so she negotiated with the engineer that our replanting should happen exactly there, where they had pulled out all the other living things.

Riley & Cory plan the attack!
Riley & Cory plan the attack!

The new intern’s name is Brenden Martin. And he and Riley are coming friday with some helpers to replant. This time they are going to use willow cuttings from here. Meanwhile, oddly enough the film crew from Middlechild productions will be out from the UK and filming it for the part of their documentary about how cities can live with beavers. Then heading to Napa to follow up with some beaver footage.

Rusty Cohn has boldly volunteered to come help Jon and Lory with the effort, and Ron will kindly take some photos for us. Oliver Smith, the assistant producer i’ve been chatting with, is probably interviewing Lara or Mark as well as interviewing me that day. The crew  arrives SFO tueday night and supposedly the gang is staying at the John Muir Lodge.

Honestly, two months ago I was feeling like if we didn’t have beavers we should cancel the planting and let the city be responsible for their own damn trees. But Jon persuaded me to be patient and now I feel differently.  Besides it’s working out well for Urban Beavers everywhere, and that makes me happy. I ask myself, if I were a beaver living in exile and saw a bunch of tasty morsels planted in my absence, wouldn’t I think about  coming home?

I certainly would.

beaver kit eats breakfast
beaver kit eats breakfast: Cheryl Reynolds

To say the UK is ‘flirting’ with beaver reintroduction is a vast understatement. The relationship has moved way beyond the blushing sideline gaze phase and now moved to furtive groping under the table. We have an film crew coming from the UK to film beaver stories next week as evidence, and I wanted to share this little bit of excitement as well from New Scientist.

Should the UK bring back beavers to help manage floods?

It seems that beavers’ dams might help prevent flooding, cleanse water as well as help boost fish populations and wetland ecosystems.

The dams regulate the water flow both during heavy rains and droughts. “When it rains, more water gets stored in ponds behind the dams, and when it’s drier, water is gently released to keep rivers flowing,” says Richard Brazier of the University of Exeter, UK, head of the study of half-a-dozen beavers confined to an isolated woodland in Devon.

If reintroduced, they could be of most use in narrow tributaries and headwaters near the sources of major river systems where holding back water could potentially have most impact on preventing floods.

Brazier’s study, due to finish next March, also found that the staircase of dams filtered pollutants washed off farms. “We found that on average each litre coming in contains 150 milligrams of sediment, but only 40 milligrams on the way out,” he says. Likewise, nitrates arrived at average concentrations of 6 milligrams per litre, but left at less than a milligram per litre, and phosphorus levels dipped from 0.16 to 0.02 milligrams per litre.

Well, well, well. So beavers control water, help biodiversity and reduce toxins eh? You don’t say. I always suspected as much, but of course I wanted to be absolutely sure that things didn’t work completely differently in the UK than they do in every other country on the planet. You know, the way chips mean fries or having your landlord ‘knock you up’ in the morning doesn’t mean he impregnated you, – so you’re saying beavers might not destroy the ecosystem there?

Believe me, no one is more surprised to learn that the laws of nature operate the same way across the pond than the chief researcher himself who notes;

His preliminary findings compare brown trout populations from two similar streams that drain into a loch near Inverness, one with reintroduced beavers and one without. “There were more than double the number of trout on the ‘beaver stream’, and they were bigger,” says Kemp. He says that like beavers, trout prefer deep water so they luxuriate in beaver ponds.

Only Elaine can adequately express my shocked response to hearing that the habits of anglican fish parallel the habits of every other fish on the globe. I should send this to NOAA right away, because Michael Pollock is going to be so relieved that his decades of painstaking research haven’t been casually disproven in by a boy scout in Scotland.


For something truly fresh and surprising, lets finish with this nice article from Illinois on beaver sculpture.

Good Natured: Sculpture in the Park: The Delnor Woods Edition

Sure enough, not far from the front pond at Delnor Woods, a 20-foot-tall elm tree lay by the asphalt path. A helpful visitor had come along and lugged it out of the main thoroughfare, but it still needed a little cutting to be completely out of the way.

As I dragged my trusty bow saw back and forth across the 5-inch diameter trunk, I once again, as I always do, marveled at how beavers can cut down trees using nothing more than their really strong jaw muscles and four sharp incisors.

I was bent, at a somewhat awkward angle, over the tree and saw and thoughts of beavers occupying much of my attention. But I happened to look up, for just a second. And that’s when I saw it. Delnor Woods’ answer to Sculpture in the Park.

Perhaps it was the way the sunlight was hitting it. Or maybe it was the fact that I was somewhat sleep deprived. At any rate, I positively was awestruck by the beauty of the creation before me.

Readers of this website should not be surprised to know that author of this charming speculation, Pam Otto, is not the first person to consider the idea that beaver chews were art.  This topic has been much discussed over the years, and our beaver chews are among our most precious items for display. In fact one has even been stolen!

Pam’s right to be impressed, but that’s hardly the best we’ve ever seen.  Check out this offering from a friend on the Beaver Management Forum a few years back.

chewy chewI almost forgot, there are two gifts from friends that I wanted to share this morning, the first is chckle is from Napa’s Rusty Cohn:

beaver barAnd the second is from our old friend Ian Timothy, whose illustrious academic career at CalArts has clearly not dampened his beaverly Holiday Spirit:

Gingerbread cookies by Ian Timothy

Several people were very kind about my happy little post yesterday, and I was excited to find this in my beaver wanderings. It seems almost fated find it now.

“Even in an area teeming with millions of people, the marvels wrought by this amazing animal can still unfold. On a forest preserve land in northern Cook County, beavers transformed what had been an ordinary field into a beautiful open water cattail marsh. In early April, hundreds of newly arrived tree swallows skimmed the smooth surface for insects. Painted turtles soaked in the spring sun, and chorus frogs filled the air with music. Yellow-headed blackbirds, pied-billed grebes, great blue herons, and other water-dependent birds nested or tarried during migration …. Then, after a few years, the beaver disappeared. There hasn’t been as much water or wildlife since, but some day a young beaver looking for a home of its own will come upon the site, find it hospitable and stay.”

Isn’t that a beautiful quote? I happened upon it when I found this nice article from The Illinois Steward, which immediately got my attention by leading with a quote from Enos Mills. The careful author, Susan Post, also read up on beavers with Dietland Muller-Swarze, so I was liking her even before she  rewarded me with Greenberg. You can see why;

In a Place Called Illinois: CaptureWatchable Wildlife: Beaver

 On a recent March visit to Heron Pond, a part of the Cache River State Natural Area, it was a duck-kind of day, gray and raining. There were no wildflowers blooming, and birds were hidden or silent. Yet there was a lot to see and ponder. I noticed an increase in beaver activity. Quite a few small cypress saplings had been cut; along the boardwalks, I noticed many debarked twigs and branches, several trees bore scars from gnawing, and some new raised mounds had appeared. Back in Champaign, I visited our library, where I discovered the book The Beaver, Nat-ural History of a Wetlands Engineer by Dietland Muller–Schwarze and Lixing Sun; and I talked with Illinois Natural History Survey mammalogist Joe Merrit. My observations took on new meaning; they were more than just visions of gnawed wood!

The work of beaver helps maintain a healthy hydrologic balance. Their dams help replenish the water table and store water. Stored water and a raised water table are helpful to plants and animals during a drought. The water-flow pattern is altered, reducing erosion. When they open up forests along the streams, they create new habitats—ponds, swamps, and meadows. New habitat attracts other organisms, and soon a complex community develops.

Can I get an amen?  Nice work, Susan! We shouldn’t be surprised, because there has been, over the years, a fluttering of beaver advocacy from the state. Donald Hey, founder of the Wetlands Initiative, is a huge beaver believer, and the Lincoln Park beavers received pretty significant media attention and public backing. It is also the source of one of my favorite urban beaver photos. This is a fence at Lincoln Park with a beaver lodge behind it. Don’t you wonder what it sounded like when you walk by?

A week from now Worth A Dam will be doing a tree planting with the watershed steward intern, and the documentary crew from lodgefencethe UK might want to film it and visit. We’ll see. I was horrified to learn yesterday that I received a  my first youtube STRIKE for sharing the recent video of the Devon beavers.  I had to go to copy right school and everything. I am more mortified than I should probably be I guess. But lets just pause and remember how adorable that footage was of mom beaver moving the kits to the second lodge. Ahh. Maybe it was worth it.

Now I’m on probation for 6 months so you will get no more secret videos from me. Sorry!

CaptureHere’s a nice article from last month’s Freshwater Magazine. It’s a sweet piece of writing with some delicious frosting added yesterday that I’ll tell you about later. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

When a group of five scientists in the Pacific Northwest began advertising for workshops on the science of beaver restoration, they didn’t anticipate a few things.

The workshops would be filled to capacity within a week. There was so much interest they needed to increase both the workshop size and the total number of workshops offered. There would be a waitlist, followed by phone calls and emails from people clamoring to get in.

“People are starting to see the value of beaver for more than just their pelts or more than just pests, but how we can work in concert with them to fix more rivers and streams.”

Regulatory agency staff, nonprofits, tribal representatives, private landowners, members of the general public and others paid the $50 fee for one-day intensives on the science behind how beaver restore streams.

But the sharing of knowledge and best practices would live beyond the day-long events. Workshop discussions were captured in an official guidebook on beaver restoration, published this past June.

“The publication is meant to be an accessible resource for anyone using beaver to restore waterways,” said Greg Lewallen, a master’s student at Portland State University and the research assistant for the project. “With enough educational outreach, the perception of these animals will start to change. That’s why it’s critical we continue to spread the word about the large role that these animals play in ecosystems.”

This article does a great job of emphasizing how thrilled they were by the  response they got. Waiting lists are a reminder that the west was hungry for this information. You probably remember this publication from the delightful cover that featured Cheryl’s photo. People were really excited by this information. Now the crew was so estatic by the response they got that they want to work on volume II.

CaptureOnly in this second version they want to include a chapter on the topic dearest to my heart. Are you sitting down? They want to include a chapter on this:

urban beavers

Did you know that 81% of all Americans live in urban settings? So if most of us are going to deal with beavers its going to be someplace next to sidewalks and parking meters. And if the fact that they were including a chapter on the topic was all the news for this morning,  that would be enough. I’d be in heaven floating on a pink fluffy cloud.

But that is not all. No, that is not all.

Now if you want to study tortoises you go to the Galapagos, if you want to see the works  of Michaelanglo you go to Rome, and apparently if you want to learn about Urban Beavers you contact Martinez.  Greg wrote me this week and we arranged a fantastic phone call for yesterday, where I told him the long and winding story of our beavers and the tireless work the people of Martinez had done to save them.

I was so flattered to be asked, and thrilled to think that before our city the topic of Urban Beavers  was never even discussed.  (In fact the words were probably only paired as an obscure reference to leggy females that drank Manhattans and smoked black cigarettes.) But now the words actually existed. And Urban Beavers were a THING, like open space or two-way traffic. And they wanted to include them in the next edition!!!

My excitement could only be described with this video short.

So  I was as excited as little Madeline here during our conversation, and kept missing words and skipping over myself. But, since this was a story I had told a thousand times before, I found my way well enough. And before the conversation was over, a little moth of a thought started fluttering wistfully in my mind. I shushed it away many times but it came only back stronger.

What if I could be a co-author on this chapter. Was it even possible?

All through the hour long conversation I waived the fluttering thought away and tried to imagine whether I was qualified for such an auspicious venture. It’s true I had already co-authored two papers on beavers that were published in scientific journals. And a few in my trained field of psychology, where I had even been sole author. So maybe it wasn’t a crazy idea. But was it impossible? This was NOAA, Fish and Wildlife and the USFS; did my scrabbling, back room beaver-tactics really belong there?

Well, some dreams never see the light of day, and some apples fall to the ground before they ripen.We can never know what would have happened if I had summoned the courage to ask Greg if I could be a co-author of the chapter.


Guess what I answered. Go ahead, guess, I can wait.



There’s been such a pack of good beaver news lately that I’ve been waiting to share this lovely guest-post forever! It’s from Dr. Dougald Scott whose on the board of the Salmonid Restoration Federation, and  past editor of the River Mouth, the newsletter for the Northern California Council Federation of Fly Fishers. It shouldn’t surprise you to learn that he’s also a member of the California Working Beaver Group, and a believer in the cause of beaver streams everywhere.

This will delight you.

The attached a photo shows how beaver had rehabilitated the tiny creek on my property in Western Colorado. Rick Lanman admired the photo and asked if I had fenced out the cattle. It turns out this is an interesting story regarding cattle and beaver on our land.

Basically we lucked out. There was no way that we could afford to fence our 160 acres to keep cattle out; so up until 2001 we leased grazing rights to our neighbors whose cattle were already there and going to graze anyway. Living so far away and lacking in resources, there was little we could do to further manage the situation.Through the late 80’s and 90’s, all the land up and down the canyon was terribly overgrazed. The resident beaver were finally extirpated in the late 80’s due to the overgrazing.

dougaldIn 2001 a wealthy hotelier from Florida purchased 23,000 acres immediately down canyon from us. He intended to make it into an upscale hunting and retreat lodge, and as part of his plan he ended cattle grazing in our valley. None of the other landowners seem interested in cattle, so we’ve been cattle free since 2001.

The small creek running through our property quickly responded to the absence of cattle by sprouting riparian vegetation, especially willows and cottonwoods. In the spring of 2008 I had arranged with the local game warden to introduce a pair of beaver into our creek. When I arrived in Grand Junction to be on hand and welcome the beaver, the game warden told me he was swamped and wouldn’t be able to bring the beaver up to our place for another month.

I was disappointed, but when I arrived at our camp, I was pleasantly surprised to find the beginnings of a dam… the little buggers had found their own way to our place! In the seven years since, the number of dams has fluctuated with the drought, but this summer there were more that 10 dams. The beaver have also moved downstream and made an impact there, although not always positive for the lodge people. However they are learning to appreciate the beaver for their ability to restore riparian habitat in semi-arid locations.

Needless to say, we now have a thriving wetland community and are thrilled – rehabilitation of our tiny creek over time thanks to beaver.

Thank you, Dougald, for sharing this important story first hand! What a fantastic illustration of a very crucial axiom!

Keep the cows out of the stream and the willow will come.

Let the willow grow and the beaver will come.

When the beavers come back, the stream is restored.

Here endeth the lesson.



Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

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Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

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November 2015

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