So last night was the annual presentation for the Parks Recreation Marina and Cultural Commission for the Beaver Festival. We requested a fee waiver and the park occupancy waiver and were summarily granted both. Honestly they were happy to see us and beamed that the event gets better every year. And when I explained the button activity they all wanted to buy them right on the spot!
So I guess we’re having a beaver festival!
Confirmations from exhibits are starting to pour in. Regular favorites will include the River Otter Ecology Project, Native Birds, Oakland Zoo Pond turtles, and Marine Mammals. New this year will be the National Wildlife Federation, Salmon Protection and Watershed Network and Flood Control Napa, which is pretty dam exciting. Jon is finished painting the stage and cutting 150 burlap tails for lucky kids to display earned buttons on. I took care of insurance, solar, music, garbage and tables are lined up. All we need now is MANY HELPERS to get it all working smoothly. Wanna earn a beaver badge? Send an email and we’ll find a job for you.
Yesterday I ordered this as a banner from Vista Prints. I hope it’s not too anthropomophic, but I really like it.