Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: February 2015

Yesterday was a lovely day of post conference glow, but now it is monday and the ominous week awaits us all. There is never enough time to do all the things for beavers that we imagine. Yesterday I poured my free time into puzzling over the trapping records which were meticulously maintained since 1950. I got thinking about it listening to Mike Settell’s presentation about trapping in Idaho.

CaptureYou see, fur-bearer trappers have to report their take of species by county at the end of the season. And Fish and Game has been compiling these records back since 1950. They have to also indicate how many of the furs they sold and for what price. Over the years the very most lucrative fur has been muskrat, with a decade of interest in bobcat as well. Beaver prices have never been worth much, varying in price from a high of 21 in 1980 to a low of 4 in 1970.

If we were to take these beaver trapping records and plot them on a graph they would look like fairly steady slope downwards. There were 1686 beaver reported trapped the year I was born and only 60 last year. Now you might be thinking, wow that’s great! Less beaver killed! But you’d be wrong. Because while trapping has gone down, depredation has gone UP.

It is illegal to sell fur after depredation. And you can imagine that the rugged outdoorsy trapping has gone down as we’ve become more urbanized. Clearly the conflicts with landowners has gone up as we moved into every nook and cranny of wild space.Theoretically the two systems are independent and have different unredeeming qualities For example, there is no limit of ‘take’ on beaver so you could trap all you want. But there is a limit to ‘depredation’ and you can only kill what you have permission to remove.  However, when you trap there is at least some record of how many were killed because you need to report what you took and where it was from, whereas no one has to report their totals in beaver depredation at all. Trapping records, such as they are; are public and online. They are fairly comprehensively organized by county and species. Depredation permits are private, hard to access and cryptically maintained.

In fact, I would argue that depredation is the vast black hole into which our beaver resources are being poured today.They disappear and no one records the loss. Robin and I will be working on a spread sheet of the declining trapping business on beavers, but here is a little taste of the numbers.

CA trapping

You can see the pattern fairly clearly here. The big surprises for me were the numbers taken in specific counties. The year I was born  there were a whopping 96 beaver trapped in Contra Costa County. The 60 year record goes to Plumas county with 282 beaver trapped in 1955. Butte county is a consistent high water mark regardless of year, Stanislaus and Sacramento are high until depredation takes over.

The shocker to me came in the very first record for 1950. when it reports an impossible 182 beavers were trapped in Riverside county in Southern California. The arid region boasts .3 square miles of water. And zero depredation permits in our last accounting. There are minimal numbers of beavers all the years since. So where does this boom come from? I can only conclude it’s a data entry error. Riverside is right next to Plumas in the list, and Plumas often has large numbers. So that’s probably what happened.

Unless there was a beaver invasion in Southern California in the 50’s?



DIMG_0074id you know you can drive north in California for a very long time and end up in Oregon? It’s amazing! You just get on 5 and keep heading towards this – You can’t miss it!

And then when you get there you find lots of people gathered and talking about beavers! –  how good they are for fish and water and creeks. I can’t tell you how affirming that feels. There are people doing the work you always dreamed about and people doing things you never even imagined.  And THEY find YOU inspirational!

I even learned a new beaver word, which sadly doesn’t happen that often any more.

Fascine: Fascines, bundles of live but dormant willow shoots, are planted in the streambank in early spring. Layers of fascines are installed up the bank, each layer covered with soil.

It all works out because it turns out willow are GREAT for streams (stop erosion and incision), willows are GREAT for beavers (because they eat them!) and beavers are GREAT for Willow because they prune, coppice and make more water area! How serendipitous is that? Sometimes the earth really seems engineered. (Which Cleo had lots to say about, and pointed us to a book I missed that we must read soon: Red Earth White Lies). He also had very insightful things to say about the fur trade being an extension of Manifest Destiny: everything is for US and we10954476_788524011226195_3155471126400984391_n can use it UP. Really smart thinking.  And his smart editor/author mom happened to be in the audience and had some very interesting things to say after my talk that I’ll share later. There was great inspiration from Dr. Lixing-Sun enjoying a moment here with popular presenters Brock Dolman and Kate Lundquist of the Occidental Arts and Ecology Center.

I spoke midway into the second day and was very enthusiastically received. Jon popped in to hear the talk and said it was the best ever. One fan from Oregon was so inspired she talked about wanting to organize a bus trip to the festival! The audio and video worked without a hitch which was a relief because I had a dream the night before that the file was mysteriously deleted. (!) People oohed and ahhed at all the usual things, but were especially excited by the Napa photos (thanks Rusty!) and our findings on the depredation permits! (Thanks Robin!)

But the highlight for me was getting to meet Dr. Suzanne Fouty who greeted me excitedly and wanted to come for dinner on Friday. We offered her the spare room, and wined and dined her long into the night talking about her work, her plans for the future, and how she got involved with beavers. We shared favorite moments from the conference, gossiped about beaver drama  and even  argued over using live animals or pelts in children’s education. (Imagine! Arguing with Suzanne Fouty over wolf pelts!) I learned a lot, and had so much fun I woke up at dawn to see her off on her 9 hour drive back north. It turns out she’s going to be working with Brock and Kate this summer so we might finally get her to the beaver festival after all!

suzane at confsuzanne comes to visit

heidi and suzanne hang out

It was a busy and dazzling three days. Exciting for me because there was a changed tone evident in which it was clear that more and more attendees weren’t just interested in beavers as a means to an end, but protective of the animals themselves.  For the first time ever I had several speakers say that the BEST kind of beaver relocation was letting them relocate themselves and not killing them when they did! There was more heated discussion of trapping than ever before, and a frank address of what  trappers take from the public when they’re allowed to trap on public lands.

Jon was a noble soldier driving the whole way and getting me there on time. We were even able to relax a little in the February sun after it was over. A perfect ending to an awesome conference. You should really plan to attend in 2017.


Being new to watching Beavers Robin, Hank and I had no clue that we were being treated to special viewing opportunities during daylight hours, and to top it off two kits were born.


Beavers diets vary as the seasons change but cattail roots seem to be popular


Beaver eating Duck Weed which is high in protein. More than soybeans.

Parent and kit eating branches

Beaver eating branch a little too casually.

The main dam Feb 10th after the 2nd big storm


The main dam Feb 17th (with Reed’s Help?)


After the Napa Valley Register story the Beaver pond began to have more visitors. From a county supervisor to grandparents bringing their grand kids to see the dam, lodge, and hopefully the beavers.


Speaking of grand kids I took this photo May 20th of a beaver but had no idea that it was something special.

beaver swimming cropped

The first couple of months after finding the Beaver pond were a very special time. The weather was good, the Beavers were very active, I met new Beaver friends Robin and Hank. Robin was responsible for getting the information on Beaver depredation permits in California and helping to sort out the data so it could be analyzed and Hank is a local Wildlife photographer. For some reason the usually nocturnal Beavers came out an hour or so before sunset during that time and made viewing quite easy.IMG_0558

A typical trip to the pond would have the three of us waiting near the lodge to wait for the Beavers to swim upstream. While waiting for the evenings Beaver action we began to notice some of the other wildlife.

Native Western Pond Turtle IMG_0129

Black Crowned Night Heron black crowned night heron eating

Green Heron                             IMG_1075

Great Heron                              IMG_1118


Mink                                           IMG_1324_1_1





After discovering the Beaver  dam, lodge and their pond and then the excitement of seeing a beaver for the first time I began to worry about the future of this Beaver oasis. While I was exploring the Beaver pond along it’s approximately 1/2 mile length along Tulocay creek I noticed dump trucks dropping off dirt at the vacant lot next to the Beaver pond. Checking around I found there is a 4 story 90 unit hotel being developed on the vacant lot, and became concerned that it would harm them.


After making contact with Worth a Dam Heidi suggested publicity is one of the keys to protecting beavers. I contacted the local papers in mid May 2014 and quickly a reporter decided to do a story about the Napa Beaver Dam one mile from downtown. Me with my vast less than 7 days of experience (I saw my first Beaver on May 11th) was to meet the reporter at the Beaver Dam. Somewhat in a panic  I called a few local County Employees on very short notice and was lucky enough to have Shaune Horn who is a Watershed and Flood Control Resource Specialist with the Napa County Flood Control & Water Conservation District agree to meet Howard Yune from The Napa Valley Register and me  on less than a day’s notice on May 15th. Heidi also agreed to talk to Howard about Beavers via phone, and fortunately Shaune had some experience with Napa County Beavers over the past few years and is concerned about Beaver welfare along with wildlife in general.

Howard on left and Shaune with cap on right

On May 18th the story was published in the local paper The Napa Valley Register and made the front page.




Beaver Alphabet Book



Our story told around the county

Beaver Interactive: Click to view




Ten Years

The Beaver Cheat Sheet



Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

Past Reports

February 2015

Story By Year


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