Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: May 2014

I thought I’d gather some comments from last nights broadcast, some of these were emailed, some posted on facebook, and a few I snagged from the comment section on PBS. If these are any indication, the program made a dramatic impact last night. I couldn’t be happier.

You are correct. I absolutely loved it.  That was most wonderful. I cried. Who will take Sherri’s place when she can’t relocate anymore? Im so hoping she’s following the beaver’s lead and teaching someone her skills. You could see the love between Glynis and Timber. And what joy when she saw him with his adopted family. Remarkable Nature. I would like to order several copies of the program to be auctioned at the festival? -JO Worth A Dam

I just wanted to let you know that my husband and I watched the program Leave it to Beavers last night and WOW WOW WOW!! Beavers are amazing! This program has left us fascinated. Thank you SO much to all the volunteers and all that advocates for beavers. I feel they can do so much for us and only a few people understand the actual good impact they can have in our communities. As soon as the program was finished, my husband and I looked at each other and he said “We are donating to Beavers”. Thank you thank you thank you! – KW Marin

 Sheri tippie is hillarious. Congrats!!! It was fabulous!!!! So happy that rehabber found missing guy!!!!! And again loved the worth a dam shirt!!!!!! – EG Festival Volunteer

It was awesome! – CR Worth A Dam

Just saw the documentary and it was great. Loved the fact that Sherri was wearing a Worth A Dam shirt in most of her parts. Also glad you were mentioned in the credits. Fantastic show. LB – Worth A Dam

I loved it! Awesome! Sherri is just a hoot and a half. I had a grin on my face the whole time! One important piece missing…you and the Martinez gang. I saw your name in the credits though. You’d better be in the NEXT chapter! – JT Festival Volunteer

I also loved Sherri because she cut through all the theory and scientific garb and got down to treating her beavers like a family member that needed help, no questions asked and that the family will be taken care of! And Heidi, great to see you in the credits. I was hoping for more urban beaver talk, but I guess this was a nature program, not of the urban warfare nature! – Clackamas Watershed

BTW, LOVED the nature film on beavers last nite so thanks for the heads up! – ML SF Fiddlers

Absolutely one of the most important documentaries I have ever seen. Now, where do I find a pair for my Montana land? –  N PBS site

This was the best documentary I have ever seen. I learned so much about beavers and was glad to see an Ontario connection. Wonderful work. Thank you. – D PBS  site

The PBS film tonight. It was good. Loved the beginning when the wolf was moving on while the beaver slapped his tail…ha. It looked to me as if Sheri Tippi (I’m sure I have the spelling wrong) wore YOUR shirt!!!! I loved the old woman who just wanted beavers back before she left this world…it was really touching. And of course the ending and I froze the screen so everyone could see it!

 I watched “Leave It to Beavers” tonight. What a beautiful tribute to these amazing animals and all that they do for the ecosystem. I hope Timber and the beavers brought to the rancher’s property continue to do well. Thank you for reminding me about this program, and for all that you do to help these industrious, essential keystone animals. – JV Academy of sciences, Journalist Discovery

Just watched the PBS documentary and I have to say, it was SO great, it made me cry in several parts. I never knew they were so verbal! I completely understand your passion for them and I can’t tell you how proud I am of you and all you’ve done to educate people about them! – BW (My sister)

 Forwarding from Nature: A viewer query. Can you get some information to this gentleman? Is there anyone in the Appalachian area that can help him receive beavers to revitalize his land?

Would like to speak to producers about this film. We have land in the Appalachian Mountains with a small wetland and have wondered how to improve water quality on it. We’d like to find people to help us locate beavers on it in the hopes of them creating ponds. This is part of a forestry management plan approved by the State of Maryland.

From the Producer Jari Osborne: Suzanne Fouty phoned me this morning to say she loved the piece! And to begin making tentative plans for all of us to meet up in Martinez at your Beaver Fest this summer! We’re really gonna try for a reunion that will include you and Sherri and some girlfriend time! Bill Murphy at Nature sent me the numbers last night–along with thanks and congratulations–Beavers made the top five for the season! A “ratings success,” he called it.

About dam time, I’d say.

beaver award

In case you were busy or want to see a section again, the entire program is online:

It’s how I got this very special screen grab that whizzed by at the end.

documentary credit

I’m was already happy because I noticed corrections I had made to the script that were actually incorporated! In fact, I don’t think there’s a single thing incorrect in the entire documentary, which is both awesome and rare! Last night I admired Glynnis presentation of science,  loved Suzanne and Carol’s wonder at the beaver improvements in Nevada, enjoyed Michel LeClare better in this american version, and was touched by Michelle Grant’s beaver rescue that remained perfectly untouched from the Canadian original.  Sherri Tippie stole the show though, and I’m still getting emails from beaver civilians who adored her presentation.  This supports my theory by the way, that saving beavers ultimately isn’t about changing minds with science, it’s about touching hearts.

Sherri made such a splash that she’s on Grist today

Dream of cradling a beaver in your arms? Live vicariously through this Colorado hairdresser!

In case you needed it, here’s something to celebrate: You now live in a world where the sentence “I’m a hairdresser and live beaver trapper” has been uttered in earnest. Sherri Tippie is just an ordinary Colorado jail barber who happens to love beavers – so much so that she’s become one of the top live trappers in North America.

But do not for one second presume that she’s some granola-crunching, Tom’s-of-Maine-using hippie:

 I am a hairdresser, honey. I like HBO, I want a toilet that flushes, OK? I do not camp out, baby.

 You and me both, girl! To witness Tippie tenderly cradle a squirming water rodent as if it were her own child, watch the video above.

There’s another affectionate article from Bloomberg Business week of all places! I’m expecting more to follow.

Large Rodent Tackles Climate Change: Hoelterhoff

A Colorado hairdresser with a fondness for large rodents is doing her bit for climate change, and so can you.  Sherri Tippie is the nation’s champion beaver relocation specialist and the sight of her wrestling them into carriers adds to the fascination of “Leave it to Beavers,” which airs tonight at 8 p.m. EST (check local listings) on PBS’s Nova series.

 Having nearly died out as hats in more formal times, the beaver seems determined to survive. I trust the encounter of a pathetic moose and an angry beaver will go viral.

The show’s timing is pretty great: Last week, the National Climate Assessment report affirmed that climate change is a fact that can’t be blustered away by simple radio hosts, grandiose columnists and the Washington servitors of the coal industry.

 Beavers deploy every cell in their equally tiny brains keeping America fertile and driving developers crazy.  In the Rocky Mountains, their structures filter billions of tons of water. When a drought dried out big stretches of Nevada, the beaver-managed areas remained nice and green.

I love to think of all those business men reading about beavers. I’m eager to learn more about the reactions people had to this, so I’d love you to send me your thoughts. I’d be happy to collect and share them. In the meantime, I’m one happy camper.

Tell PBS how AWESOME that documentary was. Leave your comment here.

The beaver’s gonna have his day: Tonight bottom teeth
He’s gonna take it all the way: Tonight
While Fish & Game are preaching
Flood risk!
A flow device is teaching
Solutions Tsk Tsk.
CaptureYou are in for a surprise: Tonight
Wetlands right before your eyes: Tonight
The desert in Nevada
So dry
With dams to save the water
The stream will get high!
You’re gonna see it tonightHellogoodbye 1
How they can dam it up and get on the ball
You’re gonna get it tonight!
It proves America needs beavers for all!
F&G: Well they’re a nuisance!
Beavers: Well they’re the nuisance!
Both: And come tonight we’ll stand and prove it to all!

2010-08-06_162235Heidi’s gonna get her kicks:Tonight
And call out all the beaver-dicks: Tonight!
Despite their misbehavior
Dam. Chew.
They’re called an eco-savior
And dammit that’s new!
cheryl's photos17
Tonight. Tonight.
Won’t be just any night
Tonight the beaver shines as a star!
Tonight, tonight
We’ll see the truth tonight
At long last, how important they are!

Each day the beavers save the water
The water goes so slowly
When ponds are at their height!
Oh, day grow less
The beaver PBS will profess



Leave It To Beavers

May 10, 2014

They are the master builders of the animal kingdom and their handy work has great importance to life on earth for many other species, including humans. A new PBS documentary examines the remarkable lives of beavers and their surprising contributions to our geology and ecology. We asked the film’s award winning director, Jari Osborne to give us a preview.

The miraculous work of beavers isn’t just a North American phenomenon: In the 16th century, the animals were remaking the English countryside. But then they gradually disappeared, hunted into extinction. Now, 500 years later, the beaver has suddenly and mysteriously returned to the United Kingdom. Reporter Christopher Worth from PRI’s The World tells us more.

Do yourself a favor and listen to this interview. Very smart presentation. And if you need some good cheer stay and listen to the artless transition where the announcer mysteriously wonders why beaver disappeared in the 16th century. I guess it wasn’t corrected after all. Three emails arrived this morning excitedly alerting me to this upcoming documentary. I’m sure more will follow. More importantly, have you planned your superbowl party?

napa beavers
Beaver lodge in Napa: Photo Rusty Cohn

Awesome news this weekend from a resident in Napa who discovered a beaver dam and lodge near his house in a creek off the Napa river.  Check out that lovely lodge on the right hand side of the photo. He wanted to make sure the beavers were safe and wrote me for advice. I did a lot of sniffing Sunday and talked monday to the awesome  director of the Napa RCD, who spoke with Napa Flood Control and told me that they have been following these beavers for 2 years! And have a “Living River” policy where they don’t interfere with wildlife unless there’s imminent risk. They were very interested in my thoughts about solutions if there ever was an issue, and we will keep in touch. She also told me that there is a vineyard on their land where some beavers showed up last year. They share the border with fish and game. Neither side was worried about harm being caused and Fish and Game actually set up night cameras so both sides could see the nocturnal residents! In the mean time, the man who contacted me has received calls from the Napa Registrar and the Press Democrat. And Wikipedia Rick is updating the Napa River entry with some very special photos.

Pinch me, because I think I’m dreaming. The very best part is that these same beavers could be Martinez’ progeny! How awesome is that?

beaver napa
Napa beaver- Rusty Cohn


Good news out of London Ontario today which has been pushing for a policy where flow devices are tried first and killing can only come after specific permission is given. While nothing has been made official just yet, they have gotten a unanimous committment from the council to pursue it. Which is a dam big deal considering. Congratulations London!

Coun. Matt Brown, chair of the committee, agreed with the notion of coming up with a plan.  “We hear the urgency,” he said. “We sense your frustration.”  The committee voted 4-0 to push staff for a plan that would see killing beavers left as something to consider once all other options have been exhausted.

London challenged to ditch lethal beaver traps
London animal advocates want humane ‘beaver deceivers’
City Hall To Develop More Humane Beaver Policy

Video: Beaver rescuer Sherri Tippie gets an overdue shout-out on PBS

Thirty years ago, when Sherri Tippie first got interested in trying to save a keystone species whose habitat was being wiped out by breakneck development up and down the Front Range, she was ridiculed by wildlife officials as a rank amateur. What, after all, could a hairdresser and former go-go dancer know about trapping and relocating beaver?

 But over the last three decades Tippie has trapped, fed, cuddled, relocated and serenaded more beaver than anyone else on the planet. Wildlife agencies now routinely come to her for guidance and inspiration — as did the PBS program Nature, which airs a segment this week on the growing effort to reintroduce beaver to revitalize rivers across the West and features Tippie as one of the top crusaders for the species.

 The hour-long segment, “Leave It to Beavers,” airs on Wednesday, May 14 (7 p.m. MDT on Rocky Mountain PBS, Channel 6). It’s long overdue recognition by one of the country’s top nature programs of Tippie’s work, which was the subject of my 2011 feature, also (predictably) titled “Leave It to Beaver.”

Nice to see Sherri once again getting the recognition she deserves!  The author of the blog is a big fan of hers and wrote the huge article on her in Westwood a few years back. Remember it appeared with this  great artwork, by Eleanor Grosch (which incidentally, will be featured in the silent auction this year). I think he was understandably a little smitten with her many charms. Now he’s promoting the upcoming documentary which had the good sense to put her in it!

Speaking of the silent auction, we received another enormously generous donation from Safari West this year, which I mention because Worth A Dam stalwarts Lory and Ron are off today to enjoy their winning bid from last year. Our friends at Safari West have promised a behind the scenes meet and greet, and I know they’re going to have a wonderful time. If you’re feeling jealous you should be. Why not bring your check book to the beaver festival and make sure you win this year’s prize!

Last night we counted 5 beavers and I thought you’d enjoy some Mother’s Day footage. This is mom with one of  last year’s kits. Since our new mom doesn’t oblige Martinez by having a distinctive tail, we know it’s mom by the visible teats Cheryl saw when standing downstream. Oh and the very childish whine the younger beaver made when she approached! Mom’s on the right.



Beaver Alphabet Book



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Ranger rick

The meeting that started it all

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