Four lovely beavers this frosty morning,. I was so happy to see them again. It’s definitely turned into a morning show, and they were all in bed by 7:00. It looks like everyone is sleeping above the primary dam – at least for the moment. I was particularly thrilled to see our stunning hooded merganser is back again with his bride.

Photo by Ron Bruno
Reporter Claudine Wong from KTVU stopped by with a camera man to visit the beavers and talk about how they cope with and mitigate the effects of drought. She wondered how Martinez has been affected by the beavers and how the creek was fairing, so check out the evening news and see if we get a mention. Oh and the website server is getting overhauled tonight some time between 8 and 6 am, so if it’s down that’s why.
Washington D.C. beaver friend Malcolm Kenton sent this beaver mention my way from last night’s Daily Show. Enjoy!
Not only did Peter Sorrell of Coin Creativity in New York agree to donate from remarkable designs to our festival, he hand crafted more necklaces especially for our event! Peter wishes us an awesome festival, and says he can make more to order if needed but he needs time to get together the materials. Thank you so much, Peter!