Last night there was a fortuitous reunion of Worth A Dam members and beavers aplenty. The dam was looking restored and without right angles, freshly mudded and the tide was nice and low. Some folks had come all the way from Novato to do a little beaver watching and were well-rewarded for their efforts.There was ample time for closeups and lovely glimpses of kit activity.

And if that makes you wish you were there, this might help. Never mind the train noises, I’m betting you will feel peaceful when you watch this:
Cheryl was avidly hoping for her first photo of the three kits together. It has been hard getting them to all be doing the same thing at the same time close enough to fit into a single camera frame. Last night she was not disappointed.

Pretty soon an older beaver came out to see what they were up to. Junior and Mom made an appearance. Then a beaver we weren’t sure was around any more. This is one of our 2010 kits all grown up. When mom died she left one that was smaller (Reed) and two that were the same size (The Bookends). We unkindly used to call this particular beaver the “Useless Bookend” because he never ever helped with the dam in any way. I had wondered whether she/he was still around, but I’m starting to think this beavers will never disperse. He or she’s obviously tolerated though, and this year I did see him actually work on the dam a couple times.
When he made his unexpected appearance last night there were FOUR beavers on the dam at once.
Call me a traditionalist but when “Uncle U” showed up I couldn’t help thinking of this from the “Loyalist Cemetary” in New Brunswick.
As its centerpiece, the fountain features four bronze beavers building their lodge. The beavers are the work of world-renowned British sculptor Michael Rizzello, O.B.E. (Order of the British Empire).In 1785 a coat of arms was chosen for the new City of Saint John. One of the symbols chosen for the newly created crest was the beaver. The beaver has come to symbolize the spirit of hard work and innovation and has been used as a recurring theme in the renovated Old Burial Ground.
Nice fountain! Think they might have room for an American at this cemetery? Just curious.
Oh and since the Novato people got their wish and Cheryl got her wish and several families with small children got their wish, the beavers decided to give Heidi her wish too. Turn your sound UP to here these two kits greet mom, who’s off camera to the left.
It’s beaver magic in the late summer. Maybe you should stop by tonight and catch some of your own.