Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: July 2013

A week before the beaver festival, things are usually looking panicked. Often I’m  scrambling to finish details, pick up tshirts, answer last minute questions or make changes to the program. Someone now needs two tables although they didn’t pay for even one, the bagpipe player has a cold and we need to find an alternative. The charms aren’t delivered and the John Muir site just found out they can’t loan the stage or someone irreplaceable has a family emergency and can’t make it that day.

But sometimes things just flow into this eddy of calm where everything is working out – in fact much, much better than we deserve. We have the attention we want, the attendees we want, the participants we want, and the volunteers we want. I get emails from San Francisco, Reno and Australia (true story) from folks wanting to come this year. Most of the preparations are finished, the brochures are back from the printer, three new donors suddenly agreed to be part of the silent auction  and the weather looks perfect. All this satisfaction makes a nice Catholic girl like me very, very nervous.

Which should explain the graphic.

Never fear, we will cope with the grueling strain of success and march onward. And in the meantime you will enjoy this article about our beaver friends in Rhode Island, who I have been chatting with. Things are looking promising for a Martinez-style standoff and only the wind knows which direction it will blow.

Diamond Hill neighbors sign petition against filling park’s pond

Instead, according to spokesman Chris Ratcliffe of Fisher Road, the residents are asking for repairs to the pond that include a new pump to maintain the water level and a planned spray fountain to aerate the pond and help eliminate algae and mosquitoes.

 About the beavers downstream from the pond, he suggests the animals offer a “unique educational opportunity for residents” while “adding to the overall natural character of the park.”

Cumberland’s Director of Parks & Recreation, Mike Crawley, took issues with some of the assumptions of the petition and told The Breeze this week that he wishes “people would ask more questions first.” About the beavers, Crawley says they have created a second hut downstream from the first and he’s expecting the growing family to begin intruding on residential land.

About the beavers, Crawley said, “We haven’t made a decision. We’re waiting to see how much damage they do downstream.”

Good luck R.I. on your beaver journey! And don’t hesitate to let us know if you need any advice.  Now as for that piano…


with mom
Kit and Mom: Photo Cheryl Reynolds

Jack Laws couldn’t make it last night, but lots of his colleagues did and they avidly listened to beaver tales while sketching their visit from the bridge. It was a fun way to see our creek through their eyes. Two folks from Safari West made the trek to Martinez as well and learned what to expect from the beaver festival next week. And two kits, mom and another adult made an appearance.
Artinnaturebridge crowdUntitled.png

All in all a pretty delightful evening after a pleasant day following up on donations to the silent auction from friends and soon-to-be-friends. Finally some media interest and things are starting to look-ship shape around here.

Meanwhile there is still plenty of negative beaver news in the world but I can’t bring myself to write about it when we are so immersed in pursuit of cheery good will.

Le Sueur commissioners consider costs for beaver removal, OK road repairs

Destroying the dams doesn’t deter the beavers, said County Administrator Darrell Pettis, who added that the beavers return and quickly rebuild. The only way to get rid of the toothy creatures is to, well, get rid of them.

 “It causes us problems, causes us damage,” he said. But perhaps the bigger problem is finding trappers to remove the beavers.

Good lord. Yet another administrator who’s never heard of flow devices. Some one write him and explain how they solve problems will you? Because I have a festival to organize.

Darrell Pettis
Le Sueur County Highway Department
88 South Park Ave.
Le Center, MN 56057
Phone(507) 357-2251



So yesterday I was insecurely musing that Martinez might not be very much fun for Sarah Koenisberg and her filmmaking friends after visiting with Sherri Tippie. And today there is proof that my fears were well-founded. Just examine the evidence.1003473_198570980303945_1473539971_nThe woman in the red shirt is Sarah, was wrote me last night that getting in the skanky water was one of her least favorite things ever. I dare say this was a LOT better! The woman on the right should need no introduction on this website, and the bundle in Sarah’s arms is one of two tiny kits they picked up yesterday bringing the total to 4.

1070100_198571136970596_930467569_n I’m worried about this poor girl. Look at the grueling strain she’s under. And that pained expression on her face. Maybe Worth A Dam should be her Cyrenian, come relieve her of all that unnecessary burden and carry her cross instead? Don’t worry, Jon’s packing the car as we speak. We’ll be there in 16 hours.

I have seen a few irresistibly adorable baby animals in my life – and this is all of them. Maybe I’m biased, but baby beavers make that new royal brat look like head cheese. Just sayin’.

News from beaver central yesterday morning where Cheryl watched a beaver and otter with pups square off yesterday in Cordelia. She caught this lovely photo. Enjoy.

Beaver and Otter argument: Photo Cheryl Reynolds


So the Beaver Believers film crew went out live trapping with Sherri Tippie two nights ago and were rewarded with a mom, dad, and two kits for their efforts. Not to mention some excellent footage and very fine conversation, I bet.1011393_198095830351460_1058026479_n

“Waist deep in a stinky, skanky pond in urban Aurora, Colorado, filming a live trapping effort to relocate a beaver family to a happier home in Glacier National Park.”

What an exciting couple of days will be! – culminating in a release! If Sherri doesn’t inspire every one of you, you’d better visit the cardiologist very soon and check if your hearts aren’t made of stone. When I heard her speak I sat in the audience the whole time weeping, I was so happy. Not that I got to see her, not that I was invited to the same conference as her  – but just that she existed.  I can’t help thinking that coming to Martinez after all that excitement might be a bit of a let-down….but come anyway.

Which reminds me…with apologies to Mother Theresa…

If you are kind to beavers, people in your city might get mad at you;
Be kind anyway.
If you are successful at saving beavers, you will win some false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.
If you are honest about beavers and frank about solving problems, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.
What beavers spend years building, someone could destroy overnight;
Let them build anyway.
If you are happy with your website and celebrate in festival, people may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.
The good for beavers you do today, people will often forget tomorrow;
Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have for beavers, and it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you beavers;
It was never between you and them anyway.
Tom Reynolds (Madrone Audobon) Photo of Martinez Beaver Kit

kit and mom
Mom and her kit – Photo Cheryl Reynolds

Last night the beavers drew quite a crowd. Some were regulars, and some were part of Jack Laws sketchbook troop that weren’t able to make it wednesday. The beavers, as usual, did not disappoint. Cheryl was able to snap this excellent photo of mom and one of her three offspring while he or she decorated the earth with a lovely beaver whining sound!

Heard yesterday from National Wildlife Federation. They just heard of our event and want to feature it on their blog and would it be okay if they come and bring free copies of Ranger Rick for the kids?

Yesterday had more good news. I heard from Safari West that they were interested in bringing their Jr. Keepers down for the festival and wanted to know if they could help out, stay for dinner and see the beavers! Jr. Keepers 12-16 and make a fairly long-term commitment while they get training caring for the animals, docenting and public speaking, Which makes them expertly qualified to help with a beaver festival.




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Ranger rick

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