Cheryl called me yesterday with an APB that the wildlife rescue program “Sea Rescue” was profiling the adoption of a beaver kit. The story is that sea world learned of a kit that survived a bear attack in Canada and flew up to get him. They didn’t clarify exactly why it was worth flying thousands of miles to raise an orphaned kit when they could just pluck one of the many that are routinely killed in their back yard, but okay. They also said that because it was hand reared by a human it could never be in the wild, which I bet Audrey Tournay would find very interesting.
The kit’s name is “PEANUT”, which is kind of adorable.
I of course snapped on the TV in time to hear that the baby beaver “had to be taught to swim, or they would drown!” Which is bunk because beavers pretty much swim from birth (and if you were shaped like a peanut you probably would too) but need to be taught to DIVE or they can’t get in or out of the lodge. Still the footage is adorable so you better keep an eye out if you’re able. .
Good name though.