Amidst the hurricane-meets-blizzard story that rocked the Atlantic coast yesterday, I hope you gave a thought to our beaver champions, who are sprinkled along the east coast like hardy wildflowers, bringing a touch of much needed color to their shores. I actually just heard from Mike Callahan of Beaver Solutions that he is trapped in London by Sandy and unable to get home. He is wondering if there will be a Beaver Solutions truck when he gets back. Let’s also give a thought to Sarah Summerville of the Unexpected Wildlife Refuge in New Jersey, who has likely seen an unbelievable night.
Yesterday a ‘thank you’ package arrived from Sharon and Owen Brown of Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife who visited earlier this month. It contained a very nice letter, several beaverish treats and a copy of their new DVD called Meet the Beaver! It’s a charming story of the beavers they hand raised and the impact beavers have on the environment. It also has footage that made me, whose watched beavers for 5 years, catch my breath. If I were you, I would march right over the the BWW website and implore to purchase your own. It’s not listed for sale yet, but I’m sure they’d be thrilled to sell you an advance copy. Their note said that I could share a little taste with you, and I knew just what flavor belonged. I know that sometimes I post videos that nobody watches but you honestly CAN’T miss this. Enjoy!
Isn’t that cool? What on earth is that toad doing? It’s not like he can’t swim or he needs the rest! It made me think me of the gingerbread man getting a ride from the fox. Remember that scene? Of course toads don’t dissolve in water and beavers don’t eat them, but still….
Now if that whet your appetite for some longer footage, check out Michael Foster’s newest piece on the San Pedro river. See how many different species you can name! He’s such an excellent wildlife photographer that its always a treat to look at his footage. (No Toad-riders though!) That weird little creature is a koati which we don’t have and you should really see up close for yourself some day.
Our River: A Work in Progress from San Pedro River Videos on Vimeo.