Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: October 2, 2012

Way back when I was just starting to worry about saving our beavers (during the Punic Wars) there was available, on the entirity of the internet(s) three websites on solving beaver problems. One of them was the very helpful Beaver Solutions website, the purveyor of which I made sure to pester for a great deal for advice. Another was a short section on beavers from the Haw River Assembly in North Carolina, which talked about Michael Leclair and Limitors. And the third was the very informative, but somewhat unweildy website for Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife, which at that time looked like this (only pale yellow like a really good book that was written a long time ago but you just couldn’t do without).

BWW is the legacy of Dorothy Richards, who did remarkable work for beavers and inspired countless disciples, two of which were Owen and Sharon Brown who became the descendants of her effort and now do the teaching, land care, advocacy and writing which her legacy requires. You can review their role by listening to my interview with Sharon here. Back in the day I must have stared at that website a million times, remembering names and faces and looking for clues about what to do in our city. I called them in the early days, and I know they fielded other inquiries from other Martinez-ites as well. They included the Martinez Beaver story several times in their  newsletter, and brought us fans from around the world (including one loyal beaver advocate from New Zealand). When Mom died and I was terrified about the fate of our three kits, I called Sharon who was most helpful and assured me they were old enough to make it without her.

Suffice it to say that Sharon and Owen are as close to ‘royalty’ as any beaver people ever get to be. They are the first folks contacted for a quote when the New York Times or the Smithsonian runs an article. And their newsletter is read across the world. In 2010 they updated their yellowed website into a swanky new colorful platform with permanent features that outline beaver benefits and solutions and a ticker column for latest news. Information is clear and easy to locate.Beaver answers have never been simpler to find. (Heck, some wild observers have even commented that there is a strange familiarity in layout – but that’s just crazy talk.) The truly important fact is that now their newly attired information reaches even more people and teaches more solutions.

All of which preceeds the very exciting introduction that Sharon and Owen are coming to California for a vacation next week, and are making the customary pilgrimage to “you-know-where” to see our beavers. Worth A Dam and friends will meet them for dinner and a beaver viewing, and we expect the evening to be a truly beavery  delight. I can’t wait!

I just have to pause to crow about the way that beaver fame seems to attract important characters to our fair city. Hmm lets review the list of those who’ve come already:

  • Skip Lisle Beaver Deceivers Int’l (Vermont)
  • Michael Pollock NOAA Fisheries (Washington)
  • Amanda Parish & Joe Cannon The Lands Council (Washington)
  • Leonard and Lois Houston of the Beaver Advocacy Committee (Oregon)
  • Mary O’brien Grand Canyon Trust (Utah)
  • Ian Timothy and his parents Beaver Creek Film Series (Kentucky)
  • Sharon and Owen Brown Beavers: Wetlands and Wildlife (New York)

Not bad for a small town! We’ll make sure to take pictures and tell you all about the visit. Rumor is they’re also going to Yosemite and plan a visit to meet our beaver-saving cousins in the Sierras, so it should be a very full vacation!

Oh and speaking of Ian Timothy, HSUS sent a helper out recently and they worked on protecting the trees at Draught Park. Here’s a photo of the pair had at work.



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