Beavers source of pride as well as concern for Plzeň region
Plzen, West Bohemia, Aug 26 (CTK) – The rising population of strictly protected beavers, the highest in the Czech Republic, is a source of pride but also concern for the Czech westernmost Plzen region, in view of the damage they cause to local field and forest owners, it ensued from a recent debate of experts.
Jiri Vlcek, from the regional office’s environmental department, said he hopes that the region will keep its impressive strong beaver population.
“Nevertheless, their high number is problematic in agricultural areas, where we permit beaver dams to be removed. By no means has the removal of beaver lodges or even shooting of beavers been permitted. I don’t rule out selective shooting [of beavers] in the future, however,” Vlcek said.
Yes, we reintroduced beavers to our country a few years back but we didn’t think they’d cause any PROBLEMS! We thought we were reintroducing the helpy beavers! Not the floody-dammy-blocky beavers! Now we might have to shoot some of them because lord knows we can’t actually SOLVE problems in Prague. I mean, its not like we can look at the internet or pick up a book or drive a few hours south to attend the international beaver symposium next month and learn how to solve these pesky problems from the experts.

“Fields, gardens, trees get inundated. Beavers also like to block water canals crossing beneath railway tracks and roads. In these cases we have to react immediately, because people’s safety is endangered,” Jan Kroupar, head of the regional office’s environmental department, said.
Beavers have also damaged buildings, and even paralysed a few water treatment plants’ operation, he said. The Regional Office permits the removal of beaver dams on special request. It also offers financial compensation to owners for the damage caused by beavers. “More and more owners have applied for compensation for the damage beavers caused by inundating or cutting trees,” Kroupar said. The compensation sums paid out in the Plzen region are the highest in the Czech Republic, said Vlcek.
Well. There it is!
No evil fishermen last night and lots of people came down to catch a glimpse of our hero in action. He came from upstream again, and mom emerged from there as well. A kingfisher was busy from his perch under the bridge and Moses was experimenting with a new pole to lower his camera down to water level.