- New Parents? Photo by Cheryl Reynolds
Beaver baby updates this morning from Lory and Jean our reporters in the field. My nose as it happens was busy holding itself to the grindstone, but I’ll be there to keep an eye tonight.
Well, it was a very busy beaver night. When I got down to the primary dam, Moses was there and said the baby beaver had gone over the primary dam and was near by the bank. He had some film of the little one out with a bigger beaver. (He also said that last night the baby came out around 9:30.) It did come out and went back over the primary dam towards the secondary. That’s when I saw it and it swam towards the bank lodge and that’s the last time I saw it I think. There was so much beaver activity from several beavers going back and forth between the dams.. Dad also came across the primary dam.
Karen and Glen were there. Haven’t seen them in over a year. When I was coming up from the primary dam, a lady drove up and wanted to know if I was Heidi. She was the lady that first e-mailed you about the baby beaver in June. She was hoping to see you. She will be down at Armando’s tomorrow night so maybe she will drop by the bridge. Jean also showed up with fennel and apples. She was going to e-mail you so let me know if she doesn’t so I can tell you about her throwing the fennel on the primary dam. I left at 9 and there was still beaver activity going on. Reed did some work on the secondary dam.
Heidi…fun at the dams tonight. When I tossed fennel onto the primary dam, a big burly male voice yelled from the patio at the Creek Monkey bar, “Don’t throw grass on there! Go pick it up!!” I yelled back that it was fennel and the beavers like it. He said, “oh, ok.” And then a huge beaver came down, climbed full body out of the water and onto the dam and fetched a fennel bulb, and swam upstream. The people at the bar saw the whole thing, were muttering about it, and the man yelled, “thank you”. Lory and I agreed that it is wonderful knowing the people at the bar are keeping watch. The teacher who first saw the kit was there tonight anxious to meet you, Heidi. Instead she, three other visitors, Lory, Moses and myself saw at least 3 beavers, not including the baby. The kit made a brief appearance. Lory and Moses saw it. The teacher was so excited telling everyone her story of the baby sighting. It was very fun. Hopefully, I’ll see you tomorrow night. Full moon. The maniacs will be howling.

Happy Independence day celebrating the ‘colonies’ everywhere! And best wishes from quite possibly the most watched beaver kit on the entire planet.