Nice article out of The Corvalis Advocate this morning about beavers being a mixed blessing and describing the ODFW beaver program that tries to move beavers from places their doing harm to places where they’re wanted. While the premise is definitely better than trapping them, I’d rather see them fix the problem than remove the beavers as a general rule.
For the last five years, an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) group known as the Beaver Working Group has sought to mend the relationship between human and rodent. It does this in large part by relocating “nuisance” beavers—beavers that block culverts and strip trees and engage in other beaverish activities—to sites where these very same activities are regarded as ecologically beneficial.
Consider this parable to highlight the absurdity of this response. Let’s say (and why not?) that you’re a wealthy home owner with absolutely no alarm system or security on your house. Your wife’s many diamonds and jewels sit ostentatiously in a velvet box on the hall table and burglars keep breaking into your house to steal them! Of course you’re rich enough to buy more, and to call the local sheriff and have the burglars relocated to another city, but for some reason new ones always come and do the same thing all over again!
Why not invest in a security system and save yourself the trouble?
Of course the burglars in this parable are beavers, the wealthy home owner is the department of transportation, and the security system is a culvert protector or a flow device. Why not build every culvert in the state WITH a beaver deceived already installed? It will add about 100 dollars to your expenses and we would never have this conversation again! Culverts will ALWAYS be attractive to beavers, no matter how many you relocate. Invest the time to protect the spaces you have now and allow your current population to stay in place and keep others away!
As much fun as this game of musical beavers must be for Oregon, it’s hardly the best use of resources!
Now because you’ve been very, very good I am going to post the most adorable picture you have ever seen. I know you all have all seen grandchildren and kittens and various baby ducks, but this honestly takes cute to a whole new level. If you have a weak heart or weak knees you might want to sit down, and I would get your mouth in the AWWW position now so that you’ll be ready. Mind you, this is NOT from our Martinez Beavers (SNIFF) but Cheryl snapped it at a nearby colony that could easily be a relative! Enjoy!