Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Day: October 3, 2011

Mike Callahan, president of Beaver Solutions of Southampton, said he was on the road much of the time during the two stormschecking out sites where beaver flow devices had been installed.

“I was a little nervous, because in several cases flow devices were completely under water, but all of them were working. And in those cases the roads made out much better,” he said, explaining that fencing placed in front of culverts snagged beaver debris, and kept the culverts open and flowing, Mr. Callahan said.

“Where there were problems, were those culverts with grates right up against the opening that had become blocked by sticks and mud leaving the increased water flow no place to go except up and over the roads,” he said.

Beaver dam activity is seen off East Brookfield Road in North Brookfield, near the East Brookfield line. (T&G Staff/JIM COLLINS)

Apparently TS Irene damaged roads and culverta all around the state, and even though Massachusetts has “onerous” (read humane) trapping rules the state of emergency declared by the governor means all bets are off and folks are scrambling to kill as many beaver as possible before its lifted.

Luckily the areas serviced by beaver friend Mike Callahan aren’t as badly hit. That’s a perk. And the culverts covered with a metal grate are filled with debris, imagine that!

Mr. Coletta said that in those situations where flooding caused by beavers poses an immediate hazard, the priority is resolving the threat by whatever means necessary, and “dealing with the paperwork later.”

Kill’em first and ask questions later. Gosh you mean that TERRIBLE  law that prevents the state from drowning beavers and cutting off the feet of coyotes allows for emergency exceptions? Don’t tell Massachusetts Committee For Responsible Wildlife Management, it would ruin their whole schitck.

Hmm…reading further in the article I am reminded that one of my favorite bloggers is famous for saying that “Every politician is going to break your heart” meaning that whether you adore Reagan or Kennedy at some crucial point in their political career they are going to make SOME decision that betrays what you hold most dear and make you feel bereft. It’s just the way politics works, and like all heartbreaks they hurt and have the potential to make you bitter or retaliatory. That blogger notes that its good to keep in mind that in the long run you’re better off having stuff you really respect about any leader and realizing they aren’t a savior.

I guess the same can be said for beaver experts.

Mr. Callahan said his wife is a licensed trapper, but most situations can be resolved without harm to either beaver or human by finding the right balance with flow-control devices.

Sigh. Who knew beavers were going to teach me so much about life?

And one upbeat note to take with you into your Monday. Apparently the muralist Mario was seen repainting his signature this week. I’m going to imagine that after reading Friday’s scathing article in the chronicle our city manager told our Director of Public Works to take him out for a beer and soothe his feathers so that he signed the damn thing and Martinez got out of the spotlight for a moment. Apparently the peace offering did the trick, because this appeared yesterday,

Um, look closely at the “O” and think about that story of Michael Angelo painting the pompous face of  the Master of Ceremony in the underworld with Donkey Ears. Go Beavers!

He who laughs last…



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