The folks at Save the Free Beaver of the River Tay in Scotland, have landed a major friend with the Perthshire festival, which is a 6-day extravaganza of amazing music and food set at castles around the area. Outdoor events this year include a beaver walk which gathers at the estate of our friend Paul Ramsay and ambles along looking at habitat. It will truly be a wonderful event, and I’m as jealous as I can be that Scotland is so far from Martinez.
Perfect timing too, as it will occur on the first quarter of the Beaver Moon.

The post Irene news is mostly good, with lots of rain and modest winds falling upon beaver friends in NY, NJ, VT, CT and MA. I received some all clears that I’ll pass along
TS Irene did not affect us here at all! It is over and blue skies came out. We’ve had much had worse rain and wind with thunderstorms in the past year. What is weird though is that while we got no more than 3 inches of rain and zero wind, other western MA communities less than 30 miles away got dumped on and are experiencing some serious flooding problems! Lots of highways are flooded and closed. So it could have been worse, but unfortunately not everyone was as lucky as us. Mike Callahan Beaver SolutionsAnd from Sarah Summerville of the Unexpected wildlife refuge in NJ this morning
We’re fine here at the refuge, aside from flooding (but we are mostly wetlands). The sump pump is coming on a lot to empty the basement; perhaps I shall have an indoor pool! Mom was out last night checking on her new expanded borders. They probably have a couple extra acres in their pond from Irene. Blessings!
Thanks for the shout out, Sarah
And from Sharon & Owen of Beavers: Wetlands & Wildlife in NY
Lots of tree damage in this area (southwest foothills of NY’s Adirondacks). We had no power yesterday, and about 9 pm a NiMo worker came to say the outage was due to a tree falling on a electric line along the nearest paved road and the tree was still on fire. Later when we took a look, the fire was out, a crew was there and the large tree was blocking most of the road. We noticed it was a poplar (beavers’ favorite) and asked them not to chip the branches.
This morning we were surprised to find the poplar still in the road with lots of cones around it —must’ve been more urgent sites to handle. Deep ruts in the mud on one shoulder showed where vehicles were passing. So Owen grabbed a chain saw, hooked up the trailer and in less than an hour we’d hauled two big loads. Caution: don’t try this unless you’re experienced with a chain saw (we heat with wood, except for our solar addition), and it’s a country road with little traffic.
Took one load north to a beaver dam with a flex leveler that’d prevented a catastrophic road washout in 2006, according to the then highway supervisor. Rest will go to a south colony later today. Flash flooding is happening in many areas and the extra food and building materials will help nature’s engineers to manage this.
News from Vermont where Skip is, looks like more water than wind and waiting waiting waiting for the rivers to let them know if they’re going to flood. (Apparently Vermont is having the worst floods in a hundred years). I’m hopeful he’s still has power and I’ll let you know when I hear from him.
In the meantime, it looks like beavers and a big chunk of America lucked out.