Day: August 1, 2011
Last night some of Worth A Dam gathered for our final supper before the festival and went down to check on our patrons. We saw two beavers waking up and doing a little building on the dam before heading downstream. Even more exciting we saw a cluster of four heads rapidly swimming under the marina vista bridge.
Otters? Mink? There was a couple who excitedly had come from El Cerrito just to see the beavers again and they weren’t sure either. When I saw the four dodging and weaving heads I was sure based on their jerky rapid movements they were mink but when I saw Moses’ footage later I got a better look at the size and coloring thought otters. When Cheryl saw the footage she thought mink and she heard them squeaking to eachother on the bank just like our last mink visit. So we can only say for sure that they weren’t beavers, weren’t muskrats and were definitely an indication that there’s lots of tasty things to eat in this creek.
Either older ones of these…
Or younger ones of these….
Or maybe some new species entirely! Martinez Fishers?