Day: June 24, 2011
It’s beginning to be that time of year, in the 6 weeks leading up to the festival, that the generosity of friends, neighbors and businesses starts to put a glow on the edges of preparation. These past couple of days have been especially remarkable. What I wanted most this year was helpers and thanks to several generous columnists we’ve had a steady stream of offers to volunteer for this years’ festival. Our graphics team (Lorena & Amelia) wrote yesterday that they’re ready to move forward on this years’ brochure. Our friends at Safari West donated a certificate again for an overnight stay, dinner and tour. A native american reader has had good response from the Washoe Nation asking for a willing elder to give a blessing for this years festival. Our hardy charm bracelet volunteer Erika finished about 50 bracelets so far, and is fast at work on the others. Jean took a trip to Middletown to visit Beaver Creek Winery (which happens to proudly support a beaver family on its lands) and owner Martin Pohl donated half a dozen bottles to the silent auction. On Wednesday Niels Usden at Castoro Cellars shipped a lovely gift basket for the auction and included 75 of the of fabric logo stickers we loved so much last year.

And yesterday Jon made a trip to Folkmanis in Emeryville and was stunned to learn that their donation this year consisted of THREE huge plastic bags full of remarkable puppets, including 12 otters! He needed to pull up to the loading dock to get them all in the car!
And what’s it all for? We’re very near the one year anniversary of mom’s death and to keep things in perspective I got an email yesterday from the city engineer who said he had been contacted by someone looking around for the beavers and would Worth A Dam consider working with New leaf to develop interpretive signs? He’d be happy to facilitate things from the city end. What excellent timing! Threads seem to be ravelling together from every end of the fabric. And speaking of fabric, the materials for the leather-ett tails we’ll be painting at this years festival should arrive today.
I’m sorry, I have to post this. I can’t help it.