Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: October 2008

UPDATE: Kit woken by loud machinery, spotted outside lodge. 8:45 am

Hess and the city braved the Holiday Conditions are are on site this morning beginning the tree topping work. They are removing three trees in the line of installation (not willow) and topping the willow on both banks. In conversation with Dave Scola and the inspector this morning we were promised that any cuttings will be laid on the Marina Vista side for removal. What the beavers will eat we are welcome to remove, what they won’t can be hauled away or used for cover on the lodge.

Last night Cheryl pointed out some netting that was blocking one of the entrances to their new tunnel by the second dam. Jon removed it so that the beavers could safely manage.

This picture shows the beginnings of their new tunnel.

Photos by Cheryl Reynolds.

Last night all four kits were in grand display at the footbridge, and we made a few delightful discoveries. One kit ducked under water near the second dam, where we’ve been seeing a little intriguing action. Then a young man noticed he “popped” out on the other side into the waterway dug by the flood plain work. He had a tunnel through the levy, and another exit near the footbridge where he emerged to check out the food his brothers were enjoying. Then he crossed over the packing material left by the city, obviously appreciating the ready-made dam.

This is good news because our beavers will need somewhere to hide out during next week’s horrors, and if they’ve already started a tunnel in that scrap of unloved land, maybe they can expand it into temporary housing. Today’s farmers market had a host of beaver support, ($120.00 in donations) and some intriguing conversations. Including the reporter from the LA times (!) and the Castro street resident who saw fish & game inspecting the creek earlier and asked why. He was told there were two dead dear in the creek from a probable Mountain Lion up behind the adult school. Hear that beavers? Stay down stream!

The highlight of last night though had to be the beaver-lovin’ family with young children who came down to see the animals, bearing a tiny beaver toy that made chewing noises. We thought that was cute enough but our hearts were melted when their daughter turned around and we saw she was wearing her lovingly preserved beaver tail from the from the festival in August. Cheryl asked permission to take this photo:

When we expressed our delight, she marched us out to the street where she had placed this handmade sign:

“Leave the beavers aloooooonnnnnnnnnnne”. Hmmm, anyone wanna make that video?

Ohhh PS, my computer tells me this is the 292 post on the web page. Lets hope when we get to 300 we still have beavers.

Worth A Dam was a popular display today at the 17th anniversary celebration of Wild Birds Unlimited in Pleasant Hill. There was some excited dialog about the new research on the benefit of beaver dams for migratory songbirds. 224.00$ in donations were received and many first time converts were acquainted with the “beaver gospel”. In quiet moments we tried out the new infra red non-contact thermometer which apparently struck fear into at least one writer from the Contra Costa Times.

Photos by: Cheryl Reynolds

In preparation for tuesday’s construction, castro street between Marina Vista and Escobar was closed today, along with the lane nearest the bridge on both streets.

The work saw the first tree casualty as the forklift bringing the metal plates the crane will rest on knocked out a street tree. If it weren’t for our friends at the county building there would be no access at all, but at least a narrow path was left for them.

Worth A Dam was contacted today by Dave Scola to ask whether we would help Skip Lisle supplemental feed and help him to use the infra red temperature device we offered for lodge readings. He also said that when the trees are topped we will have access to the cuttings to decide whether they should be for feed or removed. I asked him to contact the city parks manager to identify other sources of Arroyo Willow we could cut along the creek.

Even if we are prevented from being anywhere close to the work, Worth A Dam will be on hand. We are armed with spotting scopes, walky talkies, infra red thermometers and spotlights. If the beavers can be protected, they will be.

Corollary: Sheet Piling bad for Songbirds.

The October issue of the Western North American Naturalist has published a new article by lead author Hilary Cooke who is finishing her dissertation at the Unversity of Alberta. The study was conducted by the Wildlife Conservation Society and estabilished that beaver dams provide critical habitat for declining migratory bird populations.

“We found that increasing density of beaver dams was associated with abundant bird community and the wetland and streamside habitat these species depend on.” Translation: more dams mean more birds. Four dams mean 4xs more birds.”This habitat is critical to birds in semi-arid regions (CA) yet has been severly degraded or has been lost through much of the West. Our results suggest that management of beavers may be an important tool for restoring habitat and reversing bird declines.”

Yes in addition to helping frogs, salmon and drought, beavers help birds. No one who has stood at the dam and seen last winter’s scaup or this fall’s returning common yellow throats can be surprised. Although beaver populations have returned to the country overall, the article emphasizes how beaver influence is still missing from much of the watersheds of the west and are “very important to wildlife and reviving the natural function of streams.”

Beavers help birds. A timely reminder. This weekend Birds will return the favor as Worth A Dam will be providing information and education at the Wildbirds Unlimited 17 anniversary event. Beaver friends at Native Bird Connections will be there with an eagle and the audobon society will host its own build a nest contest for children. Stop by, and get the latest information about beavers and birds.

Oh and beavers are good for these guys too.

Western Pond Turtle sunning on lodge Friday.



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October 2008

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