Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!

Month: March 2008


Last night’s penultimate s/c meeting was centered on the updated Hydrology report regarding the dam’s impact on flood conditions in the lower portion of the creek. PWA projected likely impact of the dam based on its original height, and then minus 1, 2 and 3 feet noting to what degree the creek capacity would be altered. They also outlined the possible benefit of a proposed broadening of the flood plain area allowing a natural spillway for high flow periods and how that would affect capacity.

Based on a 2 feet reduction in dam (which is a conservative estimate of what was removed back in January) there is very limited difference to flow capacity above the mainstreet bridge even when compared to no dam at all. This is of course assuming that there dam remains during a rainstorm, which is a huge assumption given the fact that every time we received at least a half inch of rain in a 24 hour period, the dam has washed out. In addition the city staff still is reporting that they will pull the cable if needed to for emergency dam removal.

All in all, the hydrology options looked much brighter for the beavers last night, and the mood of the meeting was encouraging. Next week the final and fourth draft of the report will be reviewed. That meeting will be on Monday and we’ll make sure to get the report up as soon as possible. If all goes as planned the full report will be presented to the Council for vote at the April 2nd meeting. Mark your calendars.

Make yourself at home..

Photo by Cheryl Reynolds

For our visitors who have been following the plight of the Martinez beavers, here is a Draft of the current subcommittee report. We will keep you posted.

I got an email the other day from a beaver buddy on the east coast who said he had been chatting with staff of the Humane Society and they knew all about the Martinez Beavers! He also said they had seen this website and were following the story. This was followed by an eloquent email from , the director of urban wildlife issues for HSUS, John Hadidian, Ph.D., who was also very interested in our efforts and had authored a book on managing problems between wildlife and city interests “Wild Neighbors” . Turns out he may be working with Skip Lisle on a manual for installing flow devices. The western division of HSUS attended the novemeber 7th meeting and advocated that the beavers be allowed to remain. It sounds like they may continue to offer their support and involvement. That’s good, we need all the friends we can get!

Last weekend I drove up highway 88 past the snowfalls and towards thevhigh desert. On the Washoe reservation land we came across a very active beaver site, with a dam, lodge and several secondary dams. Looks like they were made out of successfully coppiced cottonwood trees, that apparently love their new keepers. It was delightful to see such a healthy habitat, with clear benefits for the rugged terrain. I thought I’d share some photos. The last is of an American Dipper on the Consumnes River, singing his heart out for a possible mate.


Beaver watcher Jon Ridler stopped at the dam this morning. Apparently the beavers haven’t changed their clocks yet either. A parent was at the secondary dam, and a kit was beyond it, swimming up from the lower portion of the creek. Junior came back eventually, crossing over the secondary dam on the east side, (just like the whole family does for the main dam) and ate a tule. There was a loud adult tail slap warning of an unknown danger, and the family went back to the lodge together.

The moral of the story is that beavers are apparently feeding far downstream. Which might mean they are East Bay Regional Park’s beavers too. Interesting.



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March 2008

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