This weekend I was at the dam taking sunset pictures when a group of people came out from dinner at Bertola’s, explaining to each other, “Yes this is where the beavers were. They moved them.” I, of course, clarified that the beavers were still there, the council still hadn’t voted on whether or not to keep them, and in fact the mother was pregnant. A woman shook her head, “I’m sure I heard on the news that they were moved to an Indian Reservation”. I explained that this was one proposal which had not been decided yet, that I was on the subcommittee advising the council, and that the beavers were still seen every day doing beaver-y things and working on the dam. They were very surprised but seemed happy to hear it.
Add this misperception to the very fastidious and anonymous wikipedia editor who was persistently altering the Martinez page to say that the beavers were going to be relocated, and changed content each time I posted to the contrary. This user repeatedly deleted my references for the fact that the decision has not been made, that a subcommittee was appointed and given 90 days to examine the issue, and that the report will be released soon. After nearly 30 re-edits in 5 days, Anonymous apparently gave up and allowed the real story to persist — for now (I haven’t checked yet this morning…)
The other widely circulated (though slightly more benign myth) is that the beaver decision was settled at the November 7th meeting. The city council respected the voice of the people and allowed the beavers to stay. That civic chapter is finished with a happy ending. Nothing to see here, move along. I have even heard this from reporters who truly were under the impression that the issue was resolved. Why send a crew out there when the story is over?
I hardly have the spare time to be a conspiracy theorist, but its worth noting that, without exception, every single misunderstanding about these beavers appears to benefit the members of the council who want them gone. Think about it, if people believe they have already been relocated, there can hardly be much outcry when the city casts their 3-2 vote for this to happen. In fact, if the press can be discouraged from any interest in the already-completed story, there will be less awkward public opinion to deal with in April, and fewer news cameras.
The only way to challenge a myth is to chip away at it with facts. The beavers are still in residence. They are seen every day. The decision is still in residence too. The council is charged with using the best information available to make a decision that will benefit the entire town. The beaver subcommittee holds its last meeting tonight at 5:30 at city hall. In the mean time, the struggle (which has turned out to be far more epic than we expected) goes on. Tell your friends and co-workers that, to paraphrase Mark Twain, “Rumors of their death have been greatly exaggerated”.
Our beavers’ fate lies in your hands.