On a different topic, please take a moment to read Gary Bogue’s column about the Bush administrations plan to kill endangered grey wolves
Day: January 27, 2008
Fast water has raised the level again for the confused beavers. No activity seen this morning, but the current was very strong and they may called it an early night. One thing that was in evidence though was a chorus of pacific tree frogs. This is the first time I’ve heard that many at the sight: just another sign of how the beavers have improved the habitat. “Amphibians, as a group, are sensitive to changes in water quality and so are considered indicators of environmental cleanliness.” Pacific Tree Frog
Got a call from Moses saying he saw three or four beavers, swimming about doing normal things. So far so good.
Lots of human activity on the bridge tonight, three news cameras and many on-lookers. A savvy KGO reporter spotted councilman Mensini on his way to dinner and asked questions about the dam. He repeated that the city had no choice, trees were obstructing the flow, and mentioned relocation to the indian reservation. This despite reports earlier today that this was entirely natural. The reporter was a little shocked that he would mention this on camera and said as much. This reporter earned praise from us and a beaver docent button, which seemed to please her! Interestingly the councilman’s preteen daughter reported wanting to keep the beavers but Mensini was less positive.
Beaver activity was more discrete but still seen, at least two checking out the dam, no sign of imminent departure. I’ll go down in the morning to see what transpires.