Because the beaver isn't just an animal; it's an ecosystem!


Join us for our 16the festival! Register her to exhibit your group:

CLICK  to fill out form!

This years festival will feature beaver trading cards and another great beaver giveaway!

The Beaver Festival is finally back! Show your support for urban beavers and join your friends and favorite nature organizations at the FOURTEENTH festival celebrating the Martinez Beavers. Beavers have become big news lately but this is the festival that started it all.

Don’t miss our many nature displays, children’s activities, excellent music, silent auction and dynamic chalk mural by Amy Gallaher Hall of Napa. Learn why beavers are “superheroes” when it comes to helping us cope with climate change and why more cities should be teaming up with them like Martinez did.

14th Annual Beaver Festival Promises to be a ‘Dam’ good time

FinalMartinezBeaver Festival2023 6×8 half fold .25bleeds


2023 Press Release

If you’ve never been to a beaver festival these reports from past years will give you an idea of what to expect:

MartinezBeavers2022 brochure

Beaver Festival Returns to downtown Martinez

Martinez News Gazette: Beaver Festival Returns to Susana Park

Mercury News: Martinez Beaver Fest, born from a furry standoff, returns

It’s official! Our next festival will be held on June 29th, 2019 in Susana Park in Martinez. (The historic tree filled park on Estudillo and Susana, (8 blocks up form our original location). In addition to being a nicer venue, with actual resident beavers in the neighboring creek, it will feature the amazing talents of artist Amy Gallaher Hall of Napa, who happens to love beavers and the role they play in creek restoration.

This is what she’ll be working on for two days for  this year’s festival, showing the beaver and the many species for which its habitat creates homes.


She will be demonstrating her artistry in action on the central plaza drawing how beavers help wildlife. Children will be encouraged to chalk their creations as well. We are planning lots of special additions to brighten the day. Including the  newly designed “walk of fame” showing off beavers’ many benefits and why they matter.



Be sure to check out our silent auction!


If you’ve never been to a beaver festival here’s an idea of what to expect from a previous festival at the old venue:

This years many exhibits include:

East Bay American Sewing Guild
Wildbirds Unlimited
Mt Diablo Audubon  Society
East Bay Regional Park mobile Unit
California Bluebird Recovery Program
John Muir Mountain Day Camp
Worth A Dam paint a beaver pond
Gardens at Heather Farms
CCC Master Gardeners
Save Mt Diablo
East Bay Regional Parks
Run 4Salmon
Generation Green
Information—Start treasure hunt here
Norcal Bats
Gardening for Butterflies
Suisun Wildlife Rescue
Friends of Alhambra Creek
California Native Plant Society
Save the Snakes
Marine Mammal Rescue Center
National Marine Fisheries Servie NOAA
Worth A Dam membership
Worth A Dam Silent Auction
International Bird Rescue
Salamander Feltworks
River Otter Ecology Project
Face Painting by Robin
Parents for  Safer Environment
Lindsey Wildlife Experience
The Best Lady Bug House
Sierra Wildlife Coalition
Mt Diablo Bee Keepers Association
John Muir Historic Site NPS
Map Making Station
OAEC Water Institute
Mobile Ranger Station USFS
Native Bird Connections
Coyote Brush Studios


Martinez Gazette:
East Bay Times:
Benicia Herald: